Ask Gandhi

An Insight into the mind of Gandhi through Questions and Answers


"Gandhiji, how do you think making one's own cloth and inheriting one's ancestral profession solve modern problems?"


"Mr. Gandhi,  I understand the concept of non-violence and civil disobedience. Do you really think it would work in all situations ? For example, against a monster like Hitler?"


"Why do they refer to you as Mahatma - the Great Soul?"


"Why do you promote Vegetarianism ?"


"Can you tell us more about ahimsa or the non-violence ?"


"What do you think of the Christianity and the conversions to Christianity?"


"Bapuji, you dedicated your whole life for the freedom of India. But how come you did not participate in the subsequent celebrations on August 15, 1947?"


"You have said that men who do not work eat stolen food. Are you against investors ?"
Question "Why are you against violence?"
Question "How oppressive did a government have to be for you to suggest civil disobedience?"
Question "Don't your duty in war and belief in peace contradict each other?"
Question "What is your position on the Arab-Jew problem in the Middle-East?"
Question "What were your inspirations for ideas of equality, independence, and non-violence?"

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a fascinating man, and a courageous leader constantly experimenting with  complex issues of human-life such as God, Truth, and Poverty. This list is compiled  from various sources and provided as a learning tool for students to understand the often misunderstood ideas of Mahatma Gandhi.



References for Researchers:

  • The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Navajivan Trust, India

  • Green Martin (Ed) Gandhi in India, Univ. Press of New England, 1987

  • Gandhi M. K., Satyana Prayago (in Gujarati), 1948

  • Gandhi M. K., The Stories of My Experiments with Truth, Public Affairs Press, 1948

  • A number of websites are listed in the Internet Links Section

  • Our software agent Narad maintains a citation database on latest research on Gandhi