Call Center Movie and Desi Humor for Foreigners |  |
There's this amateur clip ridiculing the call centers in India. Starts out funny, but turns lame quickly. I think the producers have lost out on what could have been a great movie idea. Like "Office Space" it could have been a cult-movie. Anyway, here the link : 
Of course, the reviews have already turned into flames and counter flames. I don't get people who can't laugh. I guess laughing at oneself is pretty hard. 
For me, laughing at ourselves came easy. My mother's three very popular books "Samsaradalli Swarasya", "Nage-Kedige", and
"Heegiddeve Navu" all center around our family and redicule our own manners and mannerisms. See: Kamat in Caricatures 
If you have appetite for more desi ridicule, try the "You kicked my Dog" 
(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Friday, August 4, 2006 Last Modified: 8/4/2006 12:44:55 AM |