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Vikas Kamat
 Vikas Kamat is a programmer- entrepreneur living in Atlanta. This blog is a complex mix of Indian culture, life in southern USA, computer sciences, and sports. Opinions are his own.
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Spring is a beautiful time to be in Alabama. The Cherry Blossoms, the Dogwoods, the Azaleas all bloom at once and if there is a dog paradise, it is here in Birmingham. This is a picture of my house taken today - you can also see me with my friend Barkley in the yard.

Spring in Alabama 2005

The daylight savings time is supposed to start this week, but I have no concept of time or period. For me there are only two times: playtime and sleeptime. I play when I am not sleeping and vice versa. There is one exception -- that is during a thunderstorm when I can neither play nor sleep. Thunderstorms are quite bad in Alabama.

My day starts when my friend Champ walks into my yard and when I fetch my collar in preparation to go out. Then I play with my toys, then I play with Barkley, my neighbor. Then daddy takes me to the lake to "take care of business" - if you know what I mean. My daddy tells me that they are going to build an apartment complex on lake front soon, which he is not happy about, so he asks me to make merry as long as it is available to play. I play freely on the lakeshore without a leash. Barkely who accompanies us, however is on the leash, after a couple of his attempts to run away.

Lake View

Then I eat lunch either at my house or at Barkley's house (whoever has more delicious snacks) and take a nap. But I am a light sleeper -- the UPS man, the Postwoman, kids messing around in the neighborhood, squirrels running amuck are all matters of great interest to me and I cannot afford to miss any action in the afternoon.

I get to go for a walk with daddy and mommy again the evening if they are not playing tennis. I say "Hi" to all my friends in the neighborhood (Pepi the Chihuahua, the Old Guy on Chippenham, the Brown Dog Barkley once tried to hump, Brownie the Vagabond are some of the other dogs that I look forward to greeting).

In the evening I play with my toys. I have a stuffed Nemo that I like a lot. I usually go to sleep on the sofa while the Kamats watch TV or surf the web.

My grandparents who visit from Korea say that I have a very good life. But I do get stressed -- like when I left that red plastic jacket in Barkley's house and daddy kept asking me "Where is the Raincoat? Where is the Raincoat?" I didn't know what a raincoat was, and I got stressed.

(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!)First Written: Friday, April 1, 2005
Last Modified: 4/8/2005 6:36:51 PM

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