Occult of Durga-murga |  |
When I was growing up in Dharwad, we regularly used to come across entertainer/devotees who would beg in the name of a deity. The woman would play the drums and the man would beat himself up with a humongous whip. They were referred to as "Durga-murga" or "Durgamurugi". The superstitions perhaps have been healed, but the status of the descendants of the community who practiced this cult, is pathetic. Anyway, I found this beautiful toy depicting a lost way of life, and thought I'd blog about it. © K. L. Kamat

A wooden handicraft depicting Durga-Murga cult 
See Also: India's Street Culture
(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Monday, November 21, 2005 Last Modified: 11/21/2005 10:55:38 PM |