List of British Products (to Boycott) |  |
A List of British Products
(if you want to boycott them)Thesedays everybody seems to be using consumer boycott as a means of protest expression. Mahesh Shantaram is advocating the boycott of Times of India Group, and yesterday I compiled a list of French brands and products for you to consider boycott. Today it's the turn of British interests to face the wrath. I've felt that during this whole Iraq build-up Tony Blair and Co. have behaved recklessly, arrogantly, and very irritatingly. The British have no moral right to mess with other nations, given their history with imperialism and exploitation of colonized nations. Anyway, here's the list.
- British Airways
- Cadbury Chocolates
- Jacobs Snacks
- NesCafe Coffee
- Heinz Ketchup

(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Friday, March 21, 2003 Last Modified: 3/22/2003 |