Kamat the Blacksmith Some friends and admirers of my father (Kamat, who passed away last year) have gotten together to bring out a memorial volume in his memory. I was asked to contribute, but I never got around to it, so finally I am pitching in by designing the cover page (a prototype is shown below). 
I've suggested the title to be Kammatiga, meaning a blacksmith, or a creative person. The editors have liked it.
I have featured murals from Kavi Art and pre-historic cave paintings -- two areas where Bappa contributed significanly. I am opening a new section, called
All-rounder Kamat listing father's various talents. From water-colors, to cooking, to tailoring, to writing and research. Oh what a wonderful man he was! Simple outside, profound inside!! See Also: Pictorial Biography of K. L. Kamat Tributes to K.L. Kamat 
The other title I suggested was Kaimata, meaning "Magic with Hands". This sounds like "Kamat" as well...
It was actually Niranjan (a well respected Kannada writer, and husband of more well known Anupama Niranjan), who referred to Bappa once as Dr. Kaimata !
(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 Last Modified: 3/22/2003 |