Computing, Libraries, Tennis, India & other interests of Vikas Kamat
India's Independence Day |  | 
India's Independence DayToday is India's Independence day. It is the day of the year
I fondly celebrate the victory of of man's inner strength over the destructive weaponry,
of peaceful struggle over violence, of freedom over slavery. It is also the day I mourn what has since become of the nation of
Mahatma Gandhi. Rampant corruption, caste politics, exploitation of
poor, and abuse of nature are the order of the day. This August 15th at Kamats:
• Father's new book release in Dharwad today.
It is at the Centenary Hall of the Karnataka Vidhya Vardhaka Society at 6:00 P.M. Sarod Maestro Pandit Rajeev Taranath will hold concert afterwards, accompanied by Udayaraj Karpoor on the tabla. It should be good function; attend if you can.
• I am going to donate a pint of blood today. My standard joke is that due to exposure to all those germs in India, my blood is immune to many diseases. The American Redcross sometimes disagrees and I have been turned down a few times in the past ....
• I am also going to Work an Hour for India's poor today. I call upon you to do the same. Importance of August 15th August 15th is also the day Japan surrendered to the allied forces during the World War II.
(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 Last Modified: 1/29/2003 |
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