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Christmas Tips
(How much to Tip)The Dec 9th Issue of Newsweek Magazine has a list of suggested Christmas Tips.
- For the postman -- a bottle of wine or a tray of cookies
- For the newspaper delivery man -- $30
- At the restaurant, after dinner -- $50
- For the valet parking person -- $100 (to be shared with his team)
I wonder to what percentage of Newsweek readers there tips were targeted.
Definitely not for me; definitely not for anyone I know. I have a Christmas tip for you Newsweek, don't publish such crap. Anyway, this "Christmas Special" issue was so bad that I've asked my wife not to renew the subscription. This particular issue also had 16 pages of back-to-back, full-page advertisements. That is, you turn a page and it is a full page ad,then you turn, that is a full page ad, then you turn, a full page ad, you'd have to turn eight times to continue reading your story (about AOL-TW). IMHO that is too much. FYI, I even like advertisements, and for many years bought the WIRED magazine just to look at the print advertisements.

(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Sunday, December 15, 2002 Last Modified: 12/15/2002 |