Computing, Libraries, Tennis, India & other interests of Vikas Kamat
Making Money from Blogs |  | Making Money from Blogs I am now one of the few bloggers who has made money from his blog. The money is not for the contents of the blog, but for the software that is used to create the blog. The engine that powers this blog and my mother's
blog is being deployed as a
knowledge management tool for intranets and extranets. I commend this customer for seeing the opportunity to use blogs as a knowledge
percolation tool, and a rapid response tool. I was specifically asked to make these changes to my blogging engine to be able to deploy in a corporate environment:
- Add categories (each entry can belong to one or more categories)
- Anchor the durable links by BlogID rather than by date
- Full support for LastUpdated -- including searching by LastUpdated
- Phrase Searching -- I only had keyword searching; customer wanted phrase
- Integration with the existing corporate network security
If your company needs Blog Server Software, contact me at .

Features of Kamat Blogging Engine
- Runs on Windows NT, and uses Microsoft Active Server pages -- no need to
sell the boss on Linux.
- Full-text Search is built in (and or searches, and phrase searches)
- No client fees; it is server based (like Movable type)
- Full source code available -- so integrate with your customer databases, glossary databases or document delivery systems.
- Built in CMS, built in support for SQL
Read my article The Anatomy of a Blogging Engine if you need a Unix based solution. Our blogs are produced with
Microsoft technologies, and served by Unix!

(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 Last Modified: 4/8/2003 Tags: metablog |
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About Me:
This is how I surf the web. Turns out
creating your own start page beats all portals, back-flipping,
personalized corporate pages, and book-marking tools. |