2002 Festival List I have finally found time to compile a list of Indian festivals and the dates for the year 2002. Due to poor usability, I have gotten rid of the calendar format I'd used for previous years, and now it is simply a list. Calendar of Indian Festivals 
Book on History of Education I am proof-reading mother's forthcoming book on the History of Education in India. It is a very interesting book, with numerous illustrations and anecdotes. Look out for the date of release! An Excerpt from the Preface:
Unfortunately, the Europeans who occupied India never saw the beauty in the value of the Indian educational system. They tried to reform Indians by providing their education system, which involved schools, libraries, and teachers on payroll. Lord William Bentinck paved way for a large-scale education of Indians in British ways. Some Indian leaders such as Raja Ram Mohan Roy supported the English education system and it became fashionable for good students to learn English. Most of the leaders who fought for India’s freedom were educated in this way. After independence, it was most essential for India to formulate educational policy that was relevant to India and solved our unique social economic problems. Unfortunately we continued the borrowed European system that was prevalent. Although Gandhi declared that the education system should involve skilled training and reformed the successive governments promoted universal educational system for India. Education became cheap and available to everybody, even those who did not love or long for education. The system did not distinguish between children of an artist, a farmer, or a merchant. So the skills that were transferred from generation to generation no longer found demand. The fact that we have to have police guard the examination rooms today shows the degeneration of our current education system. How can the Adivasis (native tribals) who roam the forest with bows and arrows be restricted in the four walls and taught daylong lessons? Our schools and colleges became factories that produce unemployed graduates. Everyday we hear of highly qualified engineers and lawyers taking up paltry jobs in governmental organizations. The time has come to rethink our spending of public money for namesake education that we provide that is only resulting large-scale unemployment.
(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Saturday, February 9, 2002 Last Modified: 1/29/2003 |