Computing, Libraries, Tennis, India & other interests of Vikas Kamat
My Underwear Museum |  | (First posted to my Facebook wall on June 12, 2022) I have been going to India to visit my parents for 30 years and all the returning flights to USA start very late in the night and I always have to leave the last pair of underwear behind (long flight, no time to wash etc). It happens each time, so in my mom's house there is a closet drawer called "Vikas's Clothes' and they're full of long-lost memories. Remember the year there was the tsunami and there was a tremendous shortage of underwear (because folks lost everything)?. That time I asked my mom before packing to India --"Mom, can you please tell me how many pairs of underwear do I have in your house?" She told me the count, and I didn't bring any. It was the biggest mistake. Because she had counted my underwear from when I was 15 years old. There were so many of them, but very few that fit. Now for Underwear Tour: There's the "Let me get Hanes on you" from Michael Jordan years. I remember the period of switching to boxers for "freedom of movement". There's the tube underwear (tight and very long). The tennis years of Andy Roddick undies. There's the time when some guest in the house mistook my underwear for his -- and he had elephant thighs and ruined the shape simply by trying them on. There's the K-Mart (who remembers K-Mart) ones and there's the ones that made me look fat. There's the tagless one, the elastic-less one, with pouch, without pouch, with fly, without fly, the draw-string ones, there's one with a pocket. (There was a time to carry loads of money in underwear pockets.). OMG I am an underwear connoisseur!
(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Friday, March 1, 2024 Last Modified: 3/1/2024 7:40:59 PM |
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