Computing, Libraries, Tennis, India & other interests of Vikas Kamat
Secrets of Happiness by Nemichandra |  | After my father passed away, I thought I should write his biography and I had a title in my mind -- "Secrets of Happiness". LOL. My father had led a fascinating life/lifestyle. He was a US educated scientist (PhD from SUNY, 1966), but had suffered much humiliation in his home country, never got adequate employment and lived privately being a husband, a writer, a photographer, a student and a dad. People who came to his funeral told me "We can't ask that his soul rest in peace, because he had found the peace while he was living!" I never wrote my father's biography, but I am told that writer Nemichandra in her much popular "You can Change Your Life", ("Baduku Badalayisabahudu" in Kannada language) series has an entire chapter on my dad. I am so happy, because one of my regrets has been that because my dad was such a shy and private person, people didn't realize his caliber, his philosophy and his merits. My father shunned publicity. I should at least translate Nemichandra's article -- with her permission. But I think someone needs to translate the entire series. There are first person accounts of overcoming diffidence, battling health ailments and other "Secrets of Happiness". I have heard that all previous editions are sold out, and a 22nd edition has come out. 
Links Buy Nemichandra's Book at Navakarnataka Anonymous No More - Kamat's letter to Vikas
(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Sunday, May 2, 2021 Last Modified: 5/2/2021 9:16:07 AM |
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