In an Indian school, the English teacher gave a hint about a forthcoming
test. "I might ask you to write an essay about an animal or a bird", she said.
So this student Raju, prepared to write about the Indian Crow, collected
material for the essay, practiced it for retention, was ready for the test. It
went something like this: The Indian Crow
The Indian Crow (Corvus splendens), also known as the House Crow is a common
bird found in India. It is between the Jackdaw and the Carrion Crow in size (40
cm in length) but is relatively slimmer than either. The forehead, crown, throat
and upper breast are a richly glossed black, whilst the neck and breast are a
lighter grey-brown in color. The wings, tail and legs are black. There are
regional variations in the thickness of the bill and the depth of color in areas
of the plumage.
Unfortunately, during the test, the teacher changed the topic of the essay --
the students were asked to write about a "Cricket Match".
Raju wrote.
The Cricket Match
There was a Cricket Macth going on. There was a tree nearby, on which was
sitting an Indian Crow. The Indian Crow (Corvus splendens), also known as the
House Crow is a common bird found in India. It is between the Jackdaw and the
Carrion Crow in size (40 cm in length) but is relatively slimmer than either.
The forehead, crown, throat and upper breast are a richly glossed black, whilst
the neck and breast are a lighter grey-brown in color. The wings, tail and legs
are black. There are regional variations in the thickness of the bill and the
depth of color in areas of the plumage.
That's the feeling I get listening to Sarah Palin. No matter what she is
asked, she gives the same convoluted answer about freedom and government and not
blinking, that makes poor sense. Salon: Sentences of Sarah Palin The problem with Sarah Palin is not that she is a woman. The problem is that
she is too ordinary, incapable of comprehending or articulating complex ideas. Of course, that is my opinion based on what I have seen and read -- I feel the
same way about Mayawati. Since when being ordinary is a leadership skill?
As much as the media is complaining about unavailability of Palin, they are
also not covering the Joe Biden well. What do we know of him?
(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Sunday, September 28, 2008 Last Modified: 11/29/2008 10:31:33 AM |