Suragya Sar is Released © Vikas Kamat

Gangadhar Bhat Releasing "Suragya Sar" BookMy new book "Suragya Sar" was released during the All India Konkani Conference in Kumta on Feb 19th. It is a collection of traditional Konkani wedding songs, painstakingly compiled by my late husband and myself over a long period of time. Since Konkani language has no script, it has been published in two scripts -- Kannada and Devanagari. It also includes some wonderful pictures of Saraswat wedding rituals. To mark the occasion, I asked my friend and reputed singer Anuradha Dhareshwar and her daughter-in-law Aparna Dhareshwar to render these songs on stage. The Dhareshwars were wonderful in recreating the humor and mood of weddings of bygone era. Many people in the audience told me that they had only heard these songs in their childhood probably from their grandmothers. © Vikas Kamat

"Surgya Sar" is published by Basti Prakashan, Tumbay, Bantwal 574 170. Available from Publisher. Price: Rs.200 (apprx. US$5)
Read a Synopsis of Suragya Sar