Cart Transportation and Rural India Cart Transportation and Rural India
One of the oldest modes of transportation invented by man has been the bullock-cart, as the cattle were the first animals to be domesticated. Those familiar with Rural India, know that bullock-carts form the main transportation in the country-region. Depending on the local terrain size of the wheel, yoke and body of the cart differ. This eco-friendly vehicle has formed life-line in India since ages. It was expected that after Independence of India (in 1947), some experiments would be carried out to have a better carting system. Instead, Indians have latest models of cars, buses, two wheelers and even aero-planes, but no improvements to the bullock-carts have been made. Prof. N.S. Ramaswamy of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore had designed a roadable cart. Unfortunately it was not popular. Still, some efforts are on, in this direction. The Academy of construction of Hyderabad and Steel Development and Growth of Calcutta have succeeded in building iron carts. Each cart weighs 250 kilograms and circumference of the wheel is 4.5 ft. These are 13 ft long and 3.5 ft broad. Brake system is introduced whereby accidents could be averted. It is estimated that there are 80,000,000 bullocks in India. With the reformed carts, 40,000,000 horsepower could be available. China has made a big break through by reforming bicycle. Can't India have a reconstructed cart? Much of this information was provided by Surendra Koulagi of Melukote. See Also: Eco-Friendly Living in India Cart Varieties of India |