Tips on web building for the do-it-yourselfer
by Vikas Kamat

First Online: March 11, 2001
Page Last Updated: August 20, 2024


Handmade Website

Amateurs built the Ark.
Professionals built the Titanic.

Kamat's Potpourri is one of the largest home pages on the web and we are often asked how we manage this site. After all we are only four three of us (K.L Kamat passed way in February of 2002), are amateurs, and have other full-time jobs. So, in this section we will share with you some of the lessons we have learnt while producing this site, tools we use, and other web building trivia.


Table of Contents

Tips for the Amateur Webmaster Decision Making Made Easy
Webmaster's Survival Kit Internet Links


  • Microsoft FrontPage --With this tool, if you know how to word-process, you know how to build websites.External Link
  • Jasc Paint Shop Pro -- Use this nifty painting program to do your artwork, scanning, animations, and web graphics. External Link

We extensively use the above products. If you buy them by clicking above, we receive a commission; although that is not the reason we are recommending them. Products link to Amazon.


Note: Please remember that all our experience is in the context of this website only.

See Also: