The Timeless Theater


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Product Information

The Timeless Theater CD-ROM is a grand archive of Information from the diaries of Dr. K. L. Kamat, a noted researcher and photographer from India. Kamat takes the reader on a time travel through the subcontinent, exploring the mystique, the diversity and the grandeur of India. He interviews beggars and ascetics, travels to the remotest corners and narrates the history of India. A time-capsule of the history of India, the Timeless Theater is a fine collection for the lovers of art, religion and life of India and her people. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I buy the CD-ROM when I can get so much content online at Kamat's Potpourri?
The CD-ROM contains plethora of content that is not online. There are over a thousand pictures and over fifty thousand cross references.

Is all of Kamat's Potpourri on the CD-ROM?
While the two are not completely mutually exclusive, the website and the CD-ROM have different contents. So the answer is No.

I am a Mac user. Can I view the Timeless Theater CD-ROM?
Yes. The producers have tested the CD-ROM on Power Macs as well as on Linux.

What if The Timeless Theater CD-ROM becomes obsolete?
The Timeless Theater uses a standard browser as the content viewer. The producers thought that it was important to store this timeless content in a format that does not become obsolete. We want you to enjoy this CD-ROM as if it were a book.

Where can I purchase a copy?
Wherever books on Indian art and history are sold. Here's a list of places you can buy, including Amazon.

Where can I buy other works of Kamat?
Hmmm. Mumble. Mumble. Most of Kamat's works are out of print. The only books you can buy are the recent books of Kamat, and that too only in specialized bookstores.

See Also

·Table of Contents
·Reviewer's Guide
·Where to buy
K.L.Kamat's Timeless Theater  is a multimedia cross reference of historical artifacts, social notes, and observations made during author's forty years of traveling in the Indian subcontinent. It is a collection of odysseys, photographs, historical archives, and other media elaborately indexed and cross-referenced.


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