Wiring India


Photographic Exhibition of How Low-Tech Workers are Building a High-Tech India

First Online: June 10, 2001
Page Last Updated: August 20, 2024

"But Who'll Build India's Bridges?" -- the leading technology magazine Wired asked recently (Mar. 2001), pondering over the disproportionate development the nation is experiencing. In this picture series where illiterate, unskilled, homeless laborers are laying optical fiber cables, we bring you the answer.

List of Pictures

See Also:

Wiring of India
Wiring India

Men Who Will Wire IndiaThe Man Who Dug Up the Garden CityThe Cable Woman
Man Uses Hammer to Dig a StreetBare Footed Laborers Rolling Fiber Optic CableThe Internet Burden
The Homeless Cable Guy After a Hard Days Work

Kamat's Potpourri House of Pictures The Cable Guys

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