West Bengal


Indian statesman Gopalakrishna Gokhale once said -- "..what Bengal thinks today, India thinks tomorrow!" This is true in more ways than one; the  Bengalis have led India in many fronts. It was division of Bengal in 1905 that started India's freedom struggle and another in 1947 terminated it. Philosophers such as Arabindo, and Swami Vivekananda have influenced Indian thought and ways of life. Bengali geniuses have enriched Indian literature, science and arts. Bengal is the the epitome of India's values and heritage as it is of India's problems and aspirations. Social revolutions like Naxal and Communism first took roots in India here, so did their problems they caused. A land of extreme poverty and pollution, what makes Bengal still thrive? What makes India thrive ?

We bring you this online exhibition of articles, pictures and history on ämär sonär Bänglä. This is not a tourist information brochure; we have tried to represent the rich and complex tapestry of life in Bengal as experienced by the authors during late 60s and again in early 80s. -- Ed.

The logo, cartoons, stories and photographs by K.L. Kamat.
Page Last updated on : August 20, 2024

Link to Ful Text of Vangadarshana -- Kannada book by Krishnanand Kamat

Table of Contents


West Bengal in Pictures


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