Vibhishana's Crossover
Vibhishana, Ravana's younger brother, appealed to Rawana, to send Sita back to
Rama and strike a compromise. Rawana got very angry and ordered that Vibhishana may be
thrown out of the conference hall.'s Potpourri
Vibhishana Meets Rama
Painting by Balasaheb Pant Pratinidhi
Utterly humiliated, Vibhishana, along with his four confidantes approached
Rama eager to join him. Sugreeva did not believe him. But Rama intervened. He gave a patient listening to Vibhishana and promised Lanka's throne to him
at the end of the war.
- Source of Picture: Chitra Ramayana by Ramachandra Madhwa Mahishi, Illustrated by Balasaheb Pandit Pant Pratinidhi, 1916
- Commentary: Dr. Jyotsna Kamat