The Town of Bhatkal
First Online: March 01, 2004
Page Last Updated: December 07, 2024's Potpourri
Town of Bhatkal
The Town of Bhatkal
- Everyday Bhatkal -- Research paper on depiction of everyday life in a 16th century temple sculptures of Bhatkal town.
- Jain Center of Haduvalli -- A quiet and desolate village now, Haduvalli (formerly known as Sangeetpur and Hadolli) is home to precious Jain monuments and history.
- Entrance to Khetapai Narayan Temple
- Hanuman Meets Rawana
- A Street in Bhatkal Town
- Student at Islamic School
- View of the Bhatkal River
- When the Tiger Attacked
- A Young Woman Ponders at the 'Wheel-Barrow' Lovemaking of the Dogs