Jainism Potpourri |
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Old Town Belagola © K. L. Kamat One can see a distinct migration of Chalukyan school of art to the Hoysala period art in the Jain center of Hale-belagola or Old town Belagola. The Jain shrine located here was built in 1094 A.D. by prince Eriyanga, the son of king Vinayadatta. It may be recalled here that Eriyanga's son Vishnuvardhana went on to become a great Jain emperor. The Navaragas have been carved with the statues of the Ashtadikpalas or the eight bearers of Direction. An idol of Dharavendra is erected in the center of the shrine. There is an inscription about Eriyanga. It greatly glorifies the prince and his teacher Gruru Gopal, and mentions the prince's generosity of donating the twelve villages of Belagola and Rachanahalli for religious cause. See Also:
Kamat's Potpourri |
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