Frequently Asked Questions
First Online: August 27, 2004
Page Last Updated: August 16, 2018
The following FAQ has been compiled based on most
frequently asked questions about our text
If you have a specific question not answered here, please contact us at

What is the pricing structure for
text advertisements? |

Text advertisements are sold on a
monthly basis, preferably starting on the first or the 15th of the
month. The prices depend on the type of website being advertised
(dating and pharmacy sites pay a premium) and the number of pages,
and the duration of a campaign. |

What is a campaign ? |

A text advertising campaign is
of the form:
<a href="URL" title="Optional
Description">Marketing Keywords</a> -- Optional One
Line Promotion. |

Can I have multiple sentences in
one campaign ? |

We allow up to three different keywords and sentences per campaign.
However, they all must point to the same URL.
Our software will randomly pick a sentence; we have no control over
which message will on on which page. SEO (Search Engine
Optimization) experts advise against rotation. There is a school of
thought that static and permanent messages are superior than dymanic
and ever changing messages.

What happens to prepaid campaigns
if I cancel? |

We require that all campaigns are
prepaid. If a campaign is cancelled before completion, refunds will
be made prorated to the duration of the campaign already completed. |

Will you refuse to renew a
campaign? |

It is possible that we may not renew
a campaign after its expiration -- that's what we mean by "out
commitment is only for the period of pre-payment".
Possible reasons for refusal to renewal are: change in
advertising rates, keyword contamination, or an advertiser not
following the best practices. This can include pop-ups on advertiser
sites, dramatic change of content subsequent to our review or
complaints by our readers.

Which plan is the best for me? |

It depends on what you want from the
campaign. Some customers who are building a brand, want their message
seen by most people, and pick most visited pages. Some customers who
seek niche users pick the pages most suited for their products. Some
other customers want most highly ranked pages, and some others yet
want a plan with most number of pages.
We do not recommend a plan.
Also, the plan you choose after careful study may be sold
out for the period you want, in which case you should go in for an
alternate plan or wait till a slot becomes available.

What is Static and Dynamic
Rendering ? |

A static web-page is pre-built with
links, advertisements and pictures. This is useful for durable
content, high-performance pages etc.
A dynamic web-page is build after the user clicks on a link. This
is useful for customized pages, search results and to include latest
Traditionally advertisers preferred static pages, but with the
advent of Google, who are able to index dynamic pages, the
difference is a non-issue.
See: Amateur Webmaster: Static Rendering of Websites
Most of our pages are statically rendered. |

How long does it take for the
campaign to start? |

After setting up of the campaign and
approval of the prototype, it takes 24 to 48 hours for the campaigns
to appear on all pages. This is because we use a "drip-update"
technology, where the website is updated one page at a time.
Drip Update Technology

How can I see all the pages in a
particular plan? |

Our plans are matched by keywords,
and/or URL paths. You can use our Content Explorer tool to list all
the pages matching your criteria.
For instance, If you have Plan III, use "kalranga" in
your URL criteria as follows: http://www.kamat.org/kamat/?path=kalranga
If you have a plan that matches "painting", use the
keyword criteria as: http://www.kamat.org/kamat/?title=Painting

I paid for Plan X. But my ad does
not show up on a specific page, but appears on most other pages. |

Please contact us with your specific
request. Occasionally, we enforce a sacrificial-zinc
technique, where some pages are sacrificed for the betterment and
health of other pages. We do this to protect you as well as

I want to run a trial. Can you
offer a discount? |

To conduct a trial, please buy a low
cost campaign (as low as $30).
In our experience, a campaign results in excellent ROI (return on
investment) if it is run for a minimum period of three months.

I want to promote 30 different
products. How should I do it? |

Promoting so many products with one
campaign is not a good idea. Our recommendation is to promote fewer
number of more specific products.
If you are promoting a very large site, we recommend separate
campaigns for each different products or services, so in this case,
it is best to buy 30 different campaigns.

Do you provide "Advertorials?" |

We do not provide Advertorials or
advertisements disguised as editorial contents.
If you are interested in campaigns longer than the one sentence
offered by text-advertisements, please consider a "One
Page Website" which has the same end-effect as an

How do I order? |

Please use the
online order form to submit your order. It
usually takes a couple of days for us to review the order and get in
touch with you. |
See Also: