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The Devara Kadus of Kodagu

Title:The Devara Kadus of Kodagu
Authors:Chandrakant M.G and Nagaraj .M.G
Publication:Itihasa Darshana / Karnataka Itihasa Academy
Enumeration:Vol 8, 1993
Abstract:The temple forest (Devara Kadus)of Kodagu is a three point affair: a principal deity, a small pond or tank which is surrounded by the natural forest.The concept is based on scientific and religious temperament, symbolic of tree worship-conservation of natural resources.The priests of temple forests hail from different caste.The temple forests have trees of different species, both medicinal, timber and non timber values.In all there are 500 temple forests spread over 4800 acres.However,in some cases the villagers have not been able to protect the lands and have been encroached upon for various reasons.This has resulted in drying up of natural water courses and streams and the chain of adverse developments that follow it.As per National Forest policy Kodagu should have 60% forests, but only 30% is left now.The conservation and preservation of temple forests will compliment and will go a long way to reduce this gap.

Source of Abstract: Provided by Author(s)


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