Computing, Libraries, Tennis, India & other interests of Vikas Kamat
Review of Victoria's Secret Show |  | Victoria's Secret Show I watched the entire hour of the Heaven
on Earth Victoria's Secret show last night. It was entertaining while it
lasted (it went off too fast), but had very little lasting impression (quite
unlike the famous 1999 Superbowl ad.). My favorite parts:
Endorsement by a schoolboy who claimed the VS
catalog helps him with his homework. Very funny.
The underwear so small, it fits into a wristwatch.
The selection criteria to be a VS model -- they need
to be young, tall, gorgeous, sexy, voluptuous, healthy, radiant, graceful,
energetic, and other criteria that I forgot now. Isn't that just like women
asking for a handsome, healthy, intelligent, sensitive, and rich man? There's
no such thing, everyone's a compromise!
Marc Anthony's "Tragedy" performance (link to lyric)
The show was controversial due to its soft-porn
nature, and also because one of the models also promoted fur.
I'd rate Just My Size
(a competing underwear company) advertisements, which featured normal
women, ahead of this multi-million dollar extravaganza. For all the hype, the
show had so little impact (on viewers and I am sure as it will on VS's
bottomline). Meanwhile, in another part of the world, there were riots against a beauty pageant.

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(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Thursday, November 21, 2002 Last Modified: 1/24/2003 Tags: review |
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