Pet Peeves | |
Pet Peeve: "It is easier to find something on the entire Web than on my own desktop computer" People suggest me solutions -- like Microsoft Office indexing service (ya right); install this, install that.
They just don't get it -- I didn't have to install anything to search the Web; I don't have to
buy anything to search web (Microsoft Office costs over $500 at Amazon, which is necessary for the indexing service to work). Pet Peeve: "I want a search like Palm's search -- something that searches across the types of documents on my PC" Example: To find my friend's phone number, I should use Outlook's Find. To find directions to his house, I should
use Explorer's Find (its is saved as a text file). I want a find that will find both. People's solutions: "Why do you need that?!", "Oh store the directions as an e-mail to yourself"
Friday's Prayer: "God, give me freedom from Microsoft."
(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Friday, September 7, 2001 Last Modified: 1/29/2003 |