Updates to Kamat's Potpourri The June Newsletter is out. Sign up for
Friends of Kamat to receive
it every month. AsiaFirst has a very flattering review (scroll
to fourth paragraph) of Kamat's Potpourri. Amma's Column is now full-text indexed. You can use
either the search box to the left or the BLOGSearch to search through the archives of Amma's Column.
Arun, a longtime patron has a suggestion -- Why not include technical details of the photograph (film, camera,
aperture settings etc.,) in Kamat PICTURESearch
Still considering.....
I am working on a AutoBlog to be released soon. Sneak Preview of Kamat Community Typewriter.
There's no documentation of the coolest features yet. Like
typing the name of a picture to include it. Eg: [[56052]] will give you a picture of Taj Mahal. [[stub 56052]] will give you a stub of the same picture, etc.
Nor are the coolest features enabled. Eg: Updating your blog via MetaWeblog API. Wait a minute. Perhaps I should stop developing and install Movable Type instead.
(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Thursday, June 27, 2002 Last Modified: 1/23/2003 |