Kamat Gets Best Customer Award from Bank | |
My father told me the Corporation Bank wants to honor him for being a good customer.
I've never heard of such a thing in India, where bankers are notoriously arrogant and the service is actually harassment.My mom said with tongue in cheek --"You know why they are recognizing your father; to tell all their customers to be as patient as him!!"
Kamat's New Book Out!
Kamat's magnum opus, "The Return Journey" (in Kannada, Marupayana) is scheduled for release on August 15th at Dharwad. Published by the legendary publishing house of Manohara Grintha Mala, the book is a socio-ecological commentary on post Independent India. Most of father's books go out of print quickly, so reserve your copy by becoming a subscriber to the Manohara Grintha Mala -- which is the only way you can buy the book.
(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Monday, July 23, 2001 Last Modified: 10/18/2002 |