Remembering NeXTStep
(and how Windows XP Compares)Press and people alike are heralding WindowsXP as the greatest operating system ever. A frog in a well knows not of the ocean. IMO the honor belongs NeXTStep, the operating system built for the Next computers (the super cool cubes
and the super cool pizza boxes, and later PCs) in the early 1990s. In yet another example
of Microsoft terminating its competition, we no longer have the hardware or the software, or the company,
although remnants of NeXTStep have been salvaged in many products today such as WebObjects,
OS-X, and Visual Basic (you won't believe this, but VB was a copy of the NeXTStep App Builder).
People are making such a big deal about ClearType. IMHO the Display PostScript the NextStep supported
was far superior. As a programmer, I could write the same code to display as well as print. (FYI - The WinTel
world still cannot display PostScript files on screen out of the box, and the programs to display on screen continue to
be different than programs to print).
And everything was an object! The inter-process communication (IPC -- whose implementation is still poor
in Windows XP), was reduced to reading and writing to a process as if it were a file! FAXing, Video handling
(including capture), Voicemail, Pantone colors, was all built in, and was available to the developer for further
customization. Try that with XP... Ten years ago, in NeXTStep, I could define an icon for every folder. This is year 2001, and I cannot. They all look
same. The editors, games, debuggers, graphic tools that came bundled with the NeXTStep operating system were all
superior to what come with Windows XP. Oh, and let us not forget who gave us the wonderful thing called as the World-Wide-Web.
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(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!) | First Written: Thursday, November 8, 2001 Last Modified: 8/1/2003 |