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Vikas Kamat
 Vikas Kamat is a programmer- entrepreneur living in Atlanta. This blog is a complex mix of Indian culture, life in southern USA, computer sciences, and sports. Opinions are his own.
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Women, Brides, Weddings, Marriages Durable Link to this BLOG
Of course, I will never understand much of this, because I am a man, but a recent coverage in NewsWeek and especially the comments the article has received is a true eye-opener on how contemporary Americans think on the issue of marriage and weddings. The "holier-than-thou" attitudes and the advices in the comments (example: Marry after getting pregnant) are hilarious, enraging, and amusing. What's amazing for me is that there are all these people who think that way. Wow!

Meanwhile, Amma has a blog entry on the History of Institution of Marriage in India cleverly put in the words of patriarch Bhishma.

My father used to describe the institution of marriage among some tribals that he had seen. If you were with somebody, that would be your spouse! In many ways I feel that's what the present-day Western culture has come to!

In his masterpiece "Parva", author Bhyrappa has created a world where acceptance as a wife or husband is a marriage, most probably to explain how Krishna could have 16,000 wives. Personally, I am most attracted to this definition of marriage, because after all marriage is a man-made institution, and today it is just a piece of paper that is subject to ridicule, mockery, and toying.

(Comments Disabled for Now. Sorry!)First Written: Sunday, March 2, 2008
Last Modified: 3/2/2008 10:12:15 PM

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