Browse Kamat Picture Archive
Pictures: 19751 to 19800 of Total: 20766
 Taj-mahal in olden days
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 |  Kolivad? Patil? Kamat's friend at Syracuse, 1964
 Rama simhachar, A Sanskrit scholar, and a friend of Kamat, 1964
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 |  A scene during winter, American campus, 1964
 An forest outlet scene, of US forest services, 1964
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 |  A forest scene form US Helicopter, 1964
 An Indian student in America, 1964
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 |  Painting in a church, America, 1964
 swaying of wood in process, Collage of forestry in Syracuse, 1964
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 |  American hostess of kamat of Syracuse days, 1964
 The Hemlin Family Left to right: Helen Hamlin, her mother, Richard's mother, and Richard Hamlin, 1964 |  |
 |  A campus scene of America, 1964
 A street scene during Autumn, 1964
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 |  An American host family of K. during his American tour, 1964
 Diana Hemlin with pet cat, 1964
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 |  Prem pandela, Mr. Madan pandela and V.K. Deshpande at dinner, 1964
 Kamat's friend with his Dog, 1964
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 |  Building in NY., 1964
 Hemlin Kids Pasadena, California, 1964 |  |
 |  An Indian Lunch in progress, 1964
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 |  Campus scene US, 1964
 A scene in church surrounding, Goa
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 |  Gokarna parthakali math, Kancon, Goa
 Sunset on Aganashini
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 |  A garden scene, Syracuse, 1964
 A Campus scene, American University, 1965
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 |  V. K. Deshpande of Dharwad, 1964
 Campus scene in winter, Syracuse, 1964
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 |  Old picture of Tajmahal
 Darbera hemlin, Pasadena, California, 1964
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 |  Indian friends visiting Kamat, 1964
 American friends, 1964
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 |  Kamat's friends of America, 1964
 Mother and child on the banks of lake, 1964
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 |  Memorial of America, 1964
 A garden scene with Visitors, 1964
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 |  A water fall
 Indian visitors, 1964
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 |  A street scene in San-Francisco,, 1964
 A plant treatment, in a US forest research station, 1964
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 |  A friend in Niagara area, 1964
 A lady fishing with her net at lake, 1964
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 |  Entrance of a church at Goa
 A rural scene on way to goa
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 |  A scene in forest research, 1964
 A temple scene in west-Bengal, East-India
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 |  College of Forestry, Syracuse A board leading to forest research station, Syracuse University, 1964 |
 A water fall,
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