Bhimsen Joshi Rendering a Khayal
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 |  Veena The singing person in
 Shanta hemmadi as budding singer.
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 |  Bhimsen joshi
 Omkar nath thakoor On Tabala brother of Sarangi Player Chaturlal and a rare photograph of Ram Narayan rare because he promoted Sarangi as concert solo instrument and never appeared as an accompanist. |  |
 |  Kamala kar bhagwat. Music director Many Bhav geet's sung by suman kalyanpur were compositions by kamalakar bhagawat. |
 All percussion instruments on display
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 |  Asad Ali Khan on Rudra veena or been
 Mohan nadkarni interviewing Jitendra Abhisheki Hailing from a temple priest's family, J. A. rose to fame with his versatile singing in a classical and light classical music but his Porte was Marathi, Hindi, Konkani devotional songs |  |
 |  (Kolata) Gopi's in Tipri dance, Raasa Leela
 Signed Photo of Begum Akhtar on Harmonium See Also: Begum Akhtar |  |
 |  Sarangi, a string instrument nearest to human voice. Earlier it was most essential instrument for Hindustani khayal singing. Later it was played in mourning season. Making way to Harmonium. It is a instrument of plucked strings and is played atimes with nails |
 Late R. Visweshwaran singing. A charter accountant by profession. played different instruments in including santoor, guitar, and was a accomplished instrument. A disciple of Pandit Shiv kumar sharma.Neview of G.N.Balasubramanya |  |
 |  File photo graph of Nancy lesh, Dhrupad Vocalist.
 Ravishankar with his sitar
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 |  A noble man relaxing in the pavilion, Reproduction of Shubha raya's painting
 "Swarasadhanotsav" by Parsi 8-03-1992. Dr. Aban mistri, Addressing the gathering. Next to her keki jijina, M.N., Guru parvati kumar, Ustad Abdul halim zafar khan. |  |
 |  Bhimsen Joshi Delineating a Raaga
 Sant Shubharay Maharaj
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 |  The tabala and dhaka
 Late Dr. Pandit bindu madhava pathaka at Bheen maestro
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 |  President honoring Bhim sen joshi with padmashri award
 The instrument Sarangi
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 |  Bhimsen Joshi at a concert
 Surbahar is a typical Veena like instrument, which is played by very few artists at classical recitals.
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 |  A typical bharata natyam pose
 Hirebet's sage, Sita madhukar, 1921-1996. Sita learnt music under shankar rao mohite later became a disciple of Gangubai Hanagal. Though she stayed in Delhi she had a intermienth spells. And chequred carrier. She has given concerts AIR, Dordarsha, and Public concerts, and provided saath to gangubai Hanagal in innumerous occasions. |  |
 |  Gangu bai with Mohan nadkarni
 Saiduddin Daggar. Drupad master.
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 |  Pandit Jasraj. The celebrated Hindustani musician
 A Radha Krishna. A reproduction of shubharay painting
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 |  Bhimsen Joshi in a brave mood
 Citra and Vishweshwara couple
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 |  Savai gandharva in his last years. To his left is babu rao deshmuk, and his son in the right. Bhimsen joshi is standing
 Ustad Amir khan 1911-1974. One of the greatest exponents of Hindustani classical. His life was cut-short in an accident. |  |
 |  Blowing instruments, Shahanai
 Jayawanti heribet. Daughter of Padukone ramananda rao. Sang Kannada devotional music at a very young age, introduced to filmy world by music composer nagayya, she cut the HMV record "Bhagyada lakshmi baramma" which is still very popular. She sang a guzal Film "Tygayya" and Recipient of Shishunala prashasti for light music. She sang before Mahatma Gandhi. |  |
 |  Kombu or horn in Kannada, It's a blowing instrument used on auspicious occasion
 Nagari. Temple drum.
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 |  Bade Gulam Ali Khan -- Autographed Portrait Khan was a great exponent of Hindustani Khayal, rendering pathiyala gharana. Bade gulam ali khan was know for rumbling and resonant voice. Equally in light and classical light some of his bhajan's like "hariOm" have become immortal |
 Sarangi is prepared form processed deer hide and plucked strings which are crud and injury to fingers is common In earlier times no musicians was standing with-out accompanied with this. Later it made to Harmonium |  |
 |  Ustad Ali Akbar Khan (1922-2009) Son of Allauddin Khan, Ali Akbhar Khan himself a great musician of India. He established a school for Sarod. |
 A verity of percussion instrument like pakhawaj This khol is popular in Bengal and Assam. A smaller version of this used in manipuri dancers. As in choudance midnapur, west Bengal. The one her in the picture is played for concert singing. |  |
 |  Tabala. An inevitable instrument Hindustani and light classical music.
 Indian Harmonium
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 |  Suman kalyanpur who sings light classical. Songs Has credit of 3000 songs in all Indian languages |
 Lalitha rao, Engineer by profession stayed in Bombay and has given concerts throughout India |  |
 |  Rabab. A string instrument of Persian origin
 Wooden string instrument
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