Small Temple on outskirts of Badami
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 |  Hero-stone Memorial
 Broomstick Seller Notice a child in her arms |  |
 |  Broomstick Seller
 Garbage Salvager, Bangalore
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 |  Refugees in Search of Shelter Bangalore |
 Traveling Vegetable Shop Old man balances his merchandise on a bicycle |  |
 |  Street as Toilets
 Harappan Seals
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 |  Cover of Kamat's Konkani Book
 Ancient Sculpture shows Milk Products being Transported Detail from medieval wooden sculpture in a Goan monastery |  |
 |  Kannada Caligraphy
 Kamat Practising Calligraphy? Kamat had a very small, almost illegible handwriting. Was this an attempt to improve it? |  |
 |  Jyotsna Interviewing Actor Rajkumar
 Man's First Shelter Anthropology shows us that early humans used rock shelters as habitat. Shown above is a rock shelter that houses prehistoric art and artifacts. |  |
 |  The Conch Shell The conch shell finds an important spot in Indian culture as an insignia of Lord Vishnu, and as tool in warfare, and in worship. |
 Puri Chariot Festival Watercolor painting on paper by Vikas Kamat |  |
 |  A Tanga Carrying Sugarcanes Once upon a time, these carriages carried lovely ladies and the wealthy. Now (year 2002) they carry only trash and heavy goods. |
 A Young Tangawala with his Horse Picture of Munna with his horse Tipu. Malleswaram Tanga Station, Bangalore |  |
 |  Sant Tukaram Detail from an Indian postal stamp |
 Panchatantra: Crocodile and the Monkey Detail from a postal stamp |  |
 |  Stamp Honoring IAF (Indian Air Force) Detail from a postal stamp |
 Jhalkari Bai Detail from a postal stamp |  |
 |  A Draft Sketch of a Cover Page A half-complete sketch of Kamat's Book "KalaRanga" |
 Cover of Uttara Kannada Album While in college, one semester Vikas came home to thousands of pictures of Uttara Kannada district scattered all over the house. He painted a cover page (above) and spiral bound them into an album. |  |
 |  Bird from Ajanta This bird derived from a cave painting in Ajanta, went on to grace Jyotsna's saree |
 Freehand Design
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 |  Tour of India in Photo-Stubs Prototype page of what eventually became Kamat's Potpourri |
 Early Prototype of Kamat's Potpourri (1995)
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 |  Ancient Mirrors from India Illustrations by K.L.Kamat based on historical sculptures |
 Draft of Kamat's Artwork for his Book on West Bengal
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 |  The Animal Chain and the Wondering Sadhu Detail from a sculture at Beluru. Photograph enhanced for clarity by the photographer |
 The Water Girl Watercolor painting by K.L.Kamat |  |
 |  The Water Girl Watercolor painting by K.L.Kamat |
 Krishna Fighting Surpent Kaliya Sketch by K.L. Kamat, Fountain pen on paper, 1954 |  |
 |  Khan Mohammad Abbas Khan A liberal reformer, Khan Mohammad Abbas Khan belonged to the Democratic party, which formed a coalition with Congress and served as the interim minister for industries. |
 C. Rajagopalachari (1878 - 1972) Well known as Rajaji, Rajagopalachari was close friend of Gandhi, and served several terms in prison for his political activities. Later (1959) he founded the Freedom Party |  |
 |  Dadabhai Navroji (1825-1917) Navroji was an important pillar of Indian nationalistc movement and served as president of Indian National Congress during 1886, 1893, and 1906. |
 Congressman J.B. Kripalani (1888-1977) An eminent congressman, Acharya Kripalani served India both before and after the indepence struggle. |  |
 |  Bhagwan Das (1869-1958) A myriad minded genius and a Gandhian, Dr. Das was a prominent congressman from Uttara Pradesh. A brilliant scholar, he served as the Chancellor of Kashi Vidyapeeth. |
 Portrait of Jamnalal Bajaj Bajajji was fervent follower of Gandhi and played an important role in industrialization of India after independence. |  |
 |  Portraits of Mathura Prasad Singh, Prof. Sahgal, D.N.Desai, and N.G. Joshi Detail from commemorative volume of Indian National Congress |
 Kamalabai Nehru
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 |  Princess Amrit Kaur (1889-1964) Kaur was an early women's rights activist in India, social worker and freedom fighter. |
 Anjali Ammal Born in a poor weaver's family, Ammal joined Ganhi's call for Satyagraha and served prison sentence. Social worker and reformer. Later she served Madras assembly. |  |
 |  Engineer Vishveshwariah From factories, to power-plants to water canals, contributions of Visveswariah to modern India are many. |
 Nobel Laureate C.V. Raman
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 |  Portrait of L. K. Kirloskar Kirloskar, an associate of Gandhi, was a pioneer among Indian industrialists who started industries meeting the specific needs of a new born nation. |
 Narottam Morarji Portrait of Norattam Morarji, an pro-congress industrialist and a freedom fighter |  |