The Kamat Picture Retrieval System! Picture shows film reels and the tiny pieces of paper wrapped around the film reels. Over 200,000 pictures covering priceless moments of Indian life are stored this way.
Kamat Buying Vegetables Picture shows Kamat buying vegetables on the streets of Malleswaram. This has an activity he has performed everyday for the last thirty years!
If Kamat doesn't do it, who will? Kamat (pictured here in rural India, August 2001) continues to wander off the beaten path documenting the untold stories of India.
Kamat Carries Money in a Book! Ever since he lost Rs. 100 in 1985, Kamat hides money in old issues of Reader's Digest and uses it as a wallet. Shown in the picture -- Kamat paying a merchant
The Late Night Restaurateur Kamat picks salad cucumbers at the Malleswaram vegetable market. A daily visitor for the last 30 years, Kamat is quite an enigma among the roadside vendors. They call him as the Late Night Restaurateur, Photo uncle, and as a Friend of the Poor.