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The following is the list of pictures and articles that are
included in the KalaRanga CD-ROM. Table of Contents -- The Timeless
Theater (KaalaRanga) archive on
Accomplished women of medieval South India
Actions of hands, eyes, lips and facial expressions play a vital role in Indian classical
Adil Shah II playing tamboor
Adil Shahis of Bijapur
Adivasi (native) of Madhya Pradesh forests
Adivasi dancer
Adivasi drummer with cowrie decorations
Adivasi drummer
Adivasi Ganesh -- wooden sculpture
An Adivasi making rope from tree bark
Adivasis (aboriginal natives) in front of their housing, Madhya Pradesh
African eunuch -- Dakhani miniature painting
An African-Indian (locally known as Siddi) boy
Aghanashini, Uttara Kannada
An aging merchant
Aiming at a deer: prehistoric cave painting
Airavat -- the elephant with eight trunks
Ajanta and Ellora
Ajanta décor
All in a day's life
Alphabetical index
The Ambar palace, Rajasthan
Among the Adivasis of Bastar, combs are a token of love
Amorous couple, Aihole
Ancient beds
Ancient beds -- illustration based on descriptions in ancient literature
Ancient beds -- illustration based on descriptions in ancient literature
Ancient beds as described in texts & paintings
Ancient clothing - Saris for men!
Ancient erotica
Ancient India -- land of mystery
Ancient temple erotica
Andhra Pradesh
Animal chain and the wondering Sadhu
Animal conquerors
Animal emblems of ancient kings
Animal life
Animal logos
Animal vehicles
Animals and ancient Indians
Animals as divine vehicles
Animals found in sculptural decorations
Animals of décor
Anupama Niranjan -- Kannada writer
The anxiety of being a groom
The anxiety of being a groom
Anxiety of groomhood -- A Konkani groom
Aquatic acrobatics Sougandhikaparinaya
Aquatic acrobatics: Sougandhikaparinaya
Aravali mountains series, Rajasthan
Ardhanareeshwara - (half man, half woman)
"Are you charmed yet ?"
Art Archives of The Timeless Theater
Arya Durga Devi, Ankola
An ascetic (Sadhu) performing rituals -
An ascetic in worship, Mysore Parakal Muth
Ash for the forehead and turban for the head
Ashokan edict of Sarnath
The Asri Mahal library
The Asri Mahal Library
The Asri Mahal Library
The author getting help while photographing a temple
The Avatars of Lord Vishnu
The Avatars of Lord Vishnu as depicted in temple sculptures
B.G.L. Swamy -- Kannada writer
Baby in her proud mother's arms
Badami -- Karnataka
Balanced musical plate
A bamboo comb: Adivasi symbol of love
Banavasi Kadamba coins
Banavasi sculpture: kissing couple
Bandi festival
Banga Ranga, the Bengali theater
Bangles seller
A Banjara (Gypsy) woman, lost in the intricate world of Kasooti (needle craft)
A Banjara woman lost in Kasooti
A Basadi of Lakkundi
Basappa temple, Uluvi
Basaveshwara -- founder of Veerashaivism
Bastar District -- Index
Bastar picture gallery
Bastar travelogue -- Introduction
Baya weaver bird (Ploceus phillipinus), Ranganatittu
The beautiful village of Keertigedde
The beautiful Yana
A beauty prepares for her lover's arrival
A bedecked housewife on a sunny day
A beggar at the Mangeshi temple, Goa
A Bengal tiger
Bengalis just love fish
Betel leaf picker, Karnataka
Bhairaveshwara cave with Shiva Linga, Yana
Bhairaveshwara Shikhara, Yana
Bhairaveshwara Shikhara, Yana -- Uttara Kannada
Bharata seeks blessings from Lord Bahubali
Bharatesha Vaibhava (the grandeur of king Bharatesha) -- Jain painting, Shravanabelagola
Bharatesha Vaibhava -- Jain painting, Shravanabelagola
The Bhatkal Khetpai temple
Bhil festivals
Big man blowing Pungi ( a horn instrument)
The biggest cat of them all
Bijapur: table of contents
A bird in flight: rock painting from Madhya Pradesh
Birth of a child -- the natural culmination of sexual activity
Black marble Ganesha, Sirsi
Black marble idol of Lord Ganesh, Sirsi
A blind street beggar plays flute through his nose, Bangalore, 1990
"The blossom" -- a painting from tribal museum, Madhya Pradesh
A boat provides the cheapest mode of transportation, West Bengal
A boat race, Karnataka
Boat varieties
Boating is the cheapest mode of transportation
Boats on Kasarkod beach, Honavar
Bodhisatva -- from a cave painting in Ajanta
Bone, and horn articles
Born in poverty, raised in poverty
Boy does complicated Yoga position
A boy eating rice
A boy of the Kodava community in South Kanara district wearing a pumpkin hat, Karnataka
A boy of the Navayati community
Boy spins cotton into thread for making Khadi
Boys and girls in the field
Bracket carving of a Basadi
Brahma Jinalaya (shrine) of Lakkundi
Brahmanical education in Andhra Pradesh, 1900
A Brahmin of Gokarn
A Brahmin Vatu (student) begs his first meal -- Upanayanam
Brass and copper vessels used in storing and heating water
A bride (and her groom) at her wedding meal
Bride from Punjab
A bride offering prayers, Calcutta, 1969
A brief biography of Gautama Buddha
A brief history of the Konkani language -- article
A brief introduction to Karnataka
The brinjal couple
Broom-stick seller
"The brooms are for sale. the child is not!"
Brothers Veeranna & Virupanna -- the Lepakshi temple builders
Buddhist in India -- A Tibetan boy sent to fetch water for the monastery
Buffalo-horn head gear, Madhya Pradesh
Bugle blower
Bull hunter -- ancient illustration
A bull in heat
Bull-fights and bull-romance -- drawings based on Sibi paintings
A bull: rock painting from Madhya Pradesh
Bullock cart
Bullock cart
Bullock carts transporting water
Bullocks are used extensively as farm help in India
Camels are the ships of the desert
Camels are the ships of the desert -- Rajasthan
Candid camera: Bastar travels
Candid India
Candid shots of Halakki farmers
Candid shots of Varanasi
Candid shots of Varanasi (Kashi)
Capital bus chaos -- New Delhi
The capital of her business does not buy a meal, so imagine her profits
Capturing of rats in a tunnel
Car festival
Car festival (Chariot festival)
Car festivals
Car festivals of India
A care-free woman of Bastar
A care-free woman of Bastar, Madhya Pradesh state
Carefree and freed from the "civilized" world
A carpenter hardly needs to wear clothes
Carved head of a Dwarapalaka (doorman)
Carved ventilators
Carved ventilators from a Jain Basadi
A carving on a chariot -- Pattadakal
Carving on the outer wall of Jinanathapura temple
Caterpillar folk artist (Kambaliyavaru)
Cattle egret (Babucus ibis), Ranganatittu
Caught in the act! -- medieval sculpture from Bhatkal, Vijayanagar period
Cave paintings of Madhya Pradesh
Caves of Badami
Celebrating a kill with group dance
Chaduranga -- Kannada writer and critic
Challenging the biologist
Challenging the biologist -- illustration based on ancient sculptures
Chalukya style Narayana
Chalukyan art of Aihole
Chalukyas of Badami
Chandramahal palace, Rajasthan
Chaos of a fish market
Chaos of a fish market, Konkan coast, 1989
Chavundaraya of Shravanabelagola
Child marriage is still prevalent in Rajasthan.
A child refugee from Bengal
Children of Karavali
Children play on beach, the Arabian Sea coast
Children sharing a close moment
A Chinese icon from the Salarjung museum
Cholas of the south
Chowdikeyavaru -- Dharwad
Cinema cutouts, Bangalore, 1991
Classical dancer, South India
Climbing a creeper: cave painting
Close encounters
A close up of bullocks -- leather puppet
Close up of elephant with its decorations -- leather puppet
A close up of fine jewelry
Close up painting of Lord Shiva, Lepakshi
Close-up of a Lambani woman
Close-up of the farmer
Cloth merchant
Coconut country -- Kerala
Coconut grove -- somewhere on the Konkan coast
A coconut grove -- somewhere on the Konkan coast
Coconut hawker
Coconut trees, river and hill
Coin of Mogul king Shah Alum
A collection of picture post-cards
College students celebrate the Holi festival
Colorful Dandami Marias
Colorful smile & attire of a boy cowherd
The colors of a Kum-Kum shop
Commencement of a group dance
A complicated Rangoli pattern
Concept of time in ancient India
Connoisseur on a swing
A construction site in Bangalore, 1991
Cooking gas supplier, Bangalore
Cooking utensils -- food habits in medieval Karnataka
Copyright notice and disclaimers
A couple engages in foreplay
A couple in romance -- a painting by Raja Raviverma
Couple on a swing grows intimate with each other
Couple riding a camel is a favorite topic of Rajasthani artists
Cow, temple, cow.
Cow-herd boy goes to work
A cow: cave painting
A cow: rock painting
Credits and References
Crime and punishment -- line drawings depicting social lifestyle in medieval Karnataka
Crime and punishment, Jain painting, 18th century
Crops and yields
D.R. Bendre -- Kannada poet
Dakhani miniatures -- Index
A damsel admires herself in a mirror
Damsel in toilet
Dance, music and song in Bengal
Dancer with a painted face
Dances of India
Dances of India -- Bharata Natyam
Dances of India -- Kathak
Dances of India -- Kuchipudi
Dancing Saraswati (the Hindu Goddess of learning) with a Veena (musical instrument) --
Hoysala art
Dancing male drummers
Dancing troop performing in front of a Jain sage, Shravanabelagola
Daria Daulat palace of Srirangapattanam
Dasara -- painting on the walls of Mysore palace
Dasara festival
Dasara procession -- painting on the walls of Mysore Palace
A daughter and a son
The Deccan plateau
A decked-up Lambani woman
Decorated cow herd boy
Decorated elephant rider -- Mysore
Decorated lady, Lepakshi painting
Decorated Lambani lady
Decorations vendor, Bangalore
A decorative platform: wooden carving
Deep Sthambha (light-post) at Sanna Betta, Shravanabelagola
Deepavali -- festival of lights
Deepavali decoration
Deepavali decoration -- Rangoli
Deepavali festival decoration -- Rangoli
Deer hunter with his bow and arrow
A deer: rock painting from Madhya Pradesh
Deity Adi-Narayana in Kavi art
Deity Shiva at the Mangeshi temple, Goa
Delicate marble grills, Rajasthan
Delicately carved four handed Devi (goddess)
Depiction of environment in ancient sculptures
Depiction of Lord Krishna in multiple art forms
The design and decorations of palm-leaf texts
The design and decorations of palm-leaf texts
Design from the Pallu (the throw) of a sari
Detailed art work of the Kavi artist
A Devadasi (temple woman) performing to please goddess Yallamma
Dholu player
The distant journey to Rajasthan
The diversity of India
Diversity of North Kanara
Divine coupling, Ancient sculpture from Badami
Divine Entertainment: Krishna (with Four Hands) with two Gopikas (girl friends)
Divine love. A Gana (follower) helps his master Shiva get intimate with his lover
Divine recreation: Krishna with two Gopikas (female cowherds)
The domes of Jama Masjid, Delhi
Dona Paula beach -- Goa
Dr. Jyotsna Kamat, who helped in much of the research in compiling The Timeless Theater
Draupadi of the Mahabharata, depicted in Kavi art
The dress makes her attractive
Dressed to attend a wedding
Drinking couple, ancient stone sculpture
Drinking Scenes -- food habits in medieval Deccan
Drum-dancers (Dholu Kunita)
A drummer from Dharwad
Drummer in colorful clothing
A drummer of the Santhal tribe, West Bengal
Drummer performs during celebration
Drummer with head gear
A drummer with head gear
A Dwarapalaka (gate keeper) represented in Kavi art
A Dwarapalaka (guardian or gate keeper)
Dynasties of the Deccan
An eager lover disturbs her makeup -- stone sculpture
East Bengali mother with child
Ecology lesson -- ancient depiction
Educating the princess
Education in Ancient India -- artifact
Education in India through the ages -- Index
Education of a Buddhist monk
Education of Jain nuns
Education of Yoginis -- Shravanabelagola painting
Eight armed god, Aihole, 450 A.D.
Eight armed god, Aihole, built in 450 A.D.
Elaborate make-up of a classical dancer
Elaborately decorated pillar, Badami cave
Elaborately painted walls of Daria Daulat palace
Elaborately painted walls of the Daria Daulat palace
An elderly Hindu lady
An elderly Lambani decked up in all her finery
Elephant at work
Elephant at work at a paper factory
Elephant headed Ganesha is one of the riders
Elephant headed Ganesha, leather puppet from Karnataka
Elephant in forest, Bandipur
Elephant in Rajasthan
An elephant in silk embroidery
An elephant pattern in Indian needle craft
Emperor Ashoka
En route to Yana, Karnataka
Encircling the prey: prehistoric cave painting
Encounter with the sweetheart
Engraved water buffalo of the Todas, rock-art
An entire tribal household: aluminum utensils & firewood
Entrance to Chandragiri hill, Shravanabelagola
Entrance to Ganesh Pol
Entrance to the City Palace, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Erotic paintings of Sibi
An erotic sculpture in Ballegavi temple, Karnataka
Erotica from a medieval temple, Madhya Pradesh
Erotica in stone sculpture
Erotica of Ballegavi
Erotica of Belur and Halebidu
Eternal lovers -- Khajuraho
Eternal lovers -- Khajuraho sculpture
The eternal smile
The eternal smile of Gomateshwara
Even with a full head-load, a tribal girl can walk 30-40 kilometers in a day
Every man, his girl
Example of a Mysore miniature painting
An example of Kavi art from the Konkan belt
An example of Tanjore (a.k.a. Tanjavur) art
An extraordinary love position, Khajuraho
Extreme Yoga: Ganda-Bherundasana
The faces of India - Index
Faces of North Kanara
Facial mask for the festive days
A family poses for a photograph
A family stops to see how far they still have to walk
A family walks to the marketplace
Fancy dress of a folk artist
Fancy dress: Kittur Chennamma
Fancy dress: Queen of Chitradurga
Farewell to a princess, Daria Daulat palace painting
A farmer in Kodkani village, Uttara Kannada
A father and his child
Faunal glory
A female dancer from Hoysala sculpture
Female dancer in sari -- Mysore Jesso painting
A female dancer, from a Hoysala sculpture
A female entertainer -- leather puppet
A female musician -- leather puppet
A female Yakshagana dancer
A female Yakshagana performer
A female Yakshagana performer
Festivals of India
Fetching water from the Ganga (Ganges) river
Figure this !
Finding art in vegetables
Finding art on kitchen counter
First day envelope released on Nehru centennial
Fish market snapshots
Fish merchant
Fish seller
Five attendants ready to serve their master
Flower decorations of a dancer's hair bun
The flower maiden
Flower seller -- Goa
Flower vendor, Bangalore
Flowers bring lovers together
Flowers are a binding force
Flowers of Mysore -- water color painting by Mukta Venkatesh
The foliage of Yana, Karnataka
Folk artist -- Helavaru
Folk artist from Bijapur district
Folk artists of Karnataka
Folk arts of India
Folk dancer
Folk dancers
Folk dancers gathered for a cultural event, Mysore, 1989
Folk paintings
Followers of Shiva in elaborate dresses
The fortunate one -- woman with a large Kum-Kum
Fortune (Kani) teller
Fortune teller by profession, fortune-less by destiny
Fortuneless fortune-teller !
Four headed Ishwara (Lord Shiva), Ballegavi
Fourteenth century men's fashion
A fowl: rock painting from Madhya Pradesh
Fruit vendor
Fruit vendor -- Goa
Fruits are good for you!
Full service barber at door step, Honavar, Uttara Kannada
Fully decorated chariot -- Kasooti
The future does not bother her
G. P. Rajaratnam -- Kannada poet/writer
G.B. Joshi -- Kannada dramatist/publisher
Gajasura Mardaka -- taming of the evil elephant
Gajasura Mardaka, God punishing the evil elephant
Gajasura Mardana
Ganapati -- Mysore traditional school of painting
Ganapati, the god of auspicious Beginning, Gokarn
Ganapati, the god of auspicious beginning, Gokarn
The Gandaberunda (two headed eagle) bird, the logo of the Mysore Wodeyars
Gandaberunda -- a fantasy bird
Gandhari, wife of the blind king Dhritarashtra
Gandhi -- A biography
Gandhi as a young adult in England
Gandhi the lawyer arrives in India
Ganesh in multiple art forms
Ganesh on peacock, Kavi art, Karnataka
Ganga Kings
Geetopadesha -- Lord Krishna's war time advice
Geetopadesha -- Lord Krishna's war time advice
The general from Chitradurga (fancy dress)
The gentleman's sari resembles that of the lady in so many ways
Geometrical Kasooti pattern
Geometrical patterns on palm-leaf
Getting ready to make love
Ghareva art -- a bull made of bell metal
Ghareva art -- bell metal bull cast by a tribal artist
Ghatam player Rangaraya
Ghotul buildings, Madhya Pradesh
The Ghotul University !
Giant rolling drum dance (Jaga-Halage)
Girl goes to the bazaar
A girl in a silk sari.
A girl practicing the veena instrument
Glossary of terms
Goa - where the east meets the west
Goa in pictures
Goddess Bhadrakali, Gokarn
Goddess Chamundeshwari
Goddess Kali, West Bengal
Goddess Mahamaya, Sadashivagad
Goddess Mahamaya, Sadashivagad near Karwar
Goddess Parvati (Durga)
Goddess Saraswati holding the book of knowledge
Goddess Saraswati with a swan
A goddess with three faces
Goddess with three faces
Gol Gumbaz, Bijapur
Gold coin of Sultan Adil Hijora, 1198 A.D.
Gold coin of the Vijayanagar kings
Golden bell
Golden engravings on Tippu's sword
Golden waist belt, Mysore
Gomateshwara of Shravanabelagola
Goruru Ramaswamy Iyengar -- Kannada writer, 1980
Gossiping women -- traditional painting from Mysore
Gossiping women- Mysore traditional painting
"Got spices ?"
Goulis: the milkmen
Gowda Saraswat priest, Goa
Gowdatis head home
Gowri-Rajni -- Northern Deccan painting
Graceful housewife
Gracious life, gracious aging -- poet K. V. Puttappa
Grameen Gouli (rural milkman) -- his attire has not changed in centuries
Grameen Gouli
Gramokkal -- Alpana wall design
A grand four-storied hero-stone of the Vijayanagar period, Kaken village
Grid points are joined by lines and semi-circles to create the Rangoli representation of a
Grill work of doors & windows
Grillwork -- Rajasthan
A group of female servants
A group of harvest dancers
Gudigars (Craftsmen) of Uttara Kannada
Gudigars, the craftsmen of Uttara Kannada
Gumatepak (seasonal music offerings) troop in the village of Balegadde, Karnataka
Guru Rabindranath Tagore
Halage Mela -- wooden plank musician
Halage player
Halakki woman going to market to sell vegetables
Halakki farmer, Kodkani, Uttara Kannada, 1991
Halakki farmers of Uttara Kannada
A Halakki Gowdati (lady of the Halakki community) peeling areca nut (supari)
Halakki Gowdati, Uttara Kannada, 1995
Halakki Gowdati
Halakki lady with grand daughter
A Halakki preparing head gear (turai -- tu-raa-ee)
Halakki Vokkals (farmers) of Uttara Kannada
Halakki woman at work
A Halakki woman going to market to sell vegetables
A Halakki woman peels areca-nuts(supari)
A Halakki woman peels areca-nuts
A Hale-Belagola (old town Belagola) Basadi
Halege Mela
Half girl, half woman
Half girl, half woman
Hand carved Mahishasura Mardini (also called Chamundeshwari) along with the name of the
Hand-carved Mahishasura Mardini
A handicapped boy eats rice in a choultry.
Handicrafts of India
Hanuman -- the divine monkey
Hanuman, the monkey, is a mythological character from the Ramayana and is widely worshiped
"Happy man" -- a man resting in front of ancient fort. -- New Delhi
The hard working field help -- smiling boy
Haremela -- Uttara Kannada
Hariyakka -- A brave lady of Karnataka
Harvest dance (Suggi Kunita) of Halakkis
Harvest dance of Halakkis
Harvest season, Indus valley, Ladakh
Haryana state
The Hawa Mahal (the wind palace), Jaipur
He (male) water-buffalo pulls a cart, West Bengal
The head gear of a dancer
Heavily ornamented lady
Hero of Bayalata (Doddata) from Bijapur
The hero of Nelavagilu -- hero-stone, Nelavagilu
A hero with a follower: cave painting
Hero with his wife who went Sati with him
A hero-stone depicting a fierce battle
Hero-stone depicting men defending their cows, women and children
A Hero-stone illustrating a fierce battle
Hero-stone of Rashrakoota period, Annigeri
Hero-stone with Kannada inscriptions
Hero-stone: "Let the memory of the heroes live as long as the sun and the moon"
Hero. monkey. God.
Himalayan laborers -- Srinagar
Hindu deities
Hindu deities -- Index
Hindu deity Veerabhadra
A Hindu widow, sans vermilion mark on forehead
Hinged horse (Keelukudure)
Hinged horse dance
Hinged horse dance (Keelukudure)
Historical artifacts from Banavasi
Historical coins and artifacts found in Karnataka
History of bathing in Karnataka
A holy lamp from the Shashvati collection in Bangalore
The holy place of Gokarn
Holy Tulasi -- Rangoli design
Home delivery launderer (Dhobi)
Homeward bound with a bagful of rats
Horse decorated with women: Deccan painting
Horseback fighter, rock painting, Central India
A horseman in the forest
Houseboats on Dal Lake, Srinagar, Kashmir
Household pets
Houses surrounded by coconut trees -- somewhere on the Konkan coast
Housewife from Gujarat
A housewife gets a towel after her bath -- Bhatkal sculpture
A housewife of the Jenu-Kuruba (honey-bee farmers) community
A housewife receives a towel after her bath -- Bhatkal sculpture
How to navigate the contents
How to search the CD-ROM
Hoysala Kings
A Hoysala style stone sculpture -- 12th century A.D.
Hunting scenes
Huttari dancer from Coorg (Kodagu)
"I sell good fortunes! "
"I'm tired as a ripe mango"
Icon of Neminatha
An icon of Parshwanatha
Image of Neminatha
An image of Pancha Parameshti
Image of the moon is very holy to Todas
An imaginative position, Khajuraho
Imam Saab, India
Imam Sahib, India
Immersed in Varanasi
Immersed in Varanasi -- pictures of the holy city
In some Hoysala temples the brackets are carved from a single slab into images
In the land of Paramahamsa & Tagore, Mao also has a great presence
In the service of her master
Index of indices
Index of Kamat's travelogues
Index of timelines
India gets the telephone (phone romance)
India in line drawings
India's national transportion
Indian elephant and its riders -- leather puppet
Indian farmer with a plough
Indian girl
Indian hand-rolled cigarettes
The Indian National Congress
An Indian of African (Negro) origin
An Indian postal stamp showing the Stupa of Sanchi
Indian water buffalo
Indian woman -- from a picture postcard
Indian woman in a Mysore silk sari
An Indian woman in sari
Indian woman: from a 1940 picture postcard
Indian woman
Indians have domesticated the water buffalos
Innocence gives way to modesty
Innocent tribal, Madhya Pradesh
An inscription found in Kolar
Inscriptions: time capsules of ancient India
Interior of Sheesh Mahal (glass palace), Rajasthan
Internet links
Interview with a wise man at Abujamara
Interview with an ascetic
Intricate carving in sandalwood
Intricate carvings of a door
Intricate carvings on a door
Introduction to erotic arts of India
Introduction to Indian handicrafts
An introduction to Jainism -- article
Introduction to The Timeless Theater CD-ROM
Ishwar and Parvati -- Kavi art, Kumta
The Ishwara Linga
The Islamic Heritage of India
Ivory crafts
Iyengari bride and groom
Jagadalpur bazaar
Jagateya Kunubi -- South Kanara
Jaggery (liquid sugar) making -- sugar belt, Karnataka
A Jain Basadi (temple) in Bijapur
A Jain Basadi in Bijapur
A Jain monk, Parshwa in a Shravanabelagola painting
A Jain monument
A Jain statue near Bilagi, Karnataka
Jain Teerthankar (sage) with seven hooded cobra
Jain Teerthankar with a seven hooded cobra
Jain woman being educated by teacher, a stone memorial from Karnataka
Jamadar Muddu Krishna Singh
Jewelry -- golden waist belt
The jewelry of kings of Mysore
The jewelry of a classical dancer
Jewelry of a Rajasthani woman.
The jewelry of a tribal girl
The jewelry of Mysore Maharaja
The jewelry of Mysore Maharaja -- a necklace
The jewelry of Mysore Maharaja -- golden bangles
The jewelry of Mysore Maharaja -- locket of a necklace
The jewelry of Mysore Maharaja -- pearl necklace with a pendant
The jewelry of Mysore Maharaja
Jewelry of the Mysore Maharaja
Jobnair, a typical Rajasthani village
Jogevva (temple woman) of Savadatti, Dharwad
Jyotishi -- the astrologer
K.V. Puttappa -- Jnanapeeth award winning Kannada writer
K.V. Puttappa -- Kannada writer/poet
Kadambas of Banavasi
Kadu -- Kuruba tribals
Kadu-Kuruba (shepherds of the forest) huts near Mysore, Karnataka
The Kalash of a Buddhist temple
Kali and Durga are popular deities in Bengal
Kalinga, a seven hooded cobra -- painted leather puppet
Kamadhenu -- the miracle cow, leather puppet
Kamadhenu, the heavenly cow, provider of anything one asks for
Karade-Vadya from Dharwad
Karaga: Pooja dancers
Karavali art
Karavali life
Karavali photo album
Karavali picture album -- epilogue
Karavali picture album contents
Karavali professionals
Karavali scenery
Karavali scenes
Karnataka topics
Kasooti -- Divine embroidery
Kasooti -- slide-show
Kasooti: elaborate wool embroidery
Kathakali dance
Kathakkali -- semi classical dance of Kerala which lays more emphasis on elaborate make-up
and slow tempo. Usually has mythological themes.
Kavi art of coastal Karnataka
Kavi Art of coastal Karnataka -- article
Kavi art of coastal Karnataka -- photo plate
Kavi art: the romance of Laxmi and Vishnu
Keertigedde -- Uttara Kannada
King Kamsa's diplomat Akroora
The king of the jungle
King Ravana and his ten heads -- line drawing based on a Sibi painting
Kissing couple -- ancient stone sculpture
A kissing couple, a sculpture from Banavasi
Kissing couple, Jinanathapura, the Hoysala period
A kissing couple
Knolkol sculpture -- female torso
Konkani -- table of contents
Konkani children from a picture of 1950s
A Konkani couple
A Konkani man who opted for the (British) government service
Konkani woman at work -- notice her blouseless traditional Sari
Konkani woman at work -- notice her blouseless traditional sari
A Konkani woman from a 1950s picture
Konkani woman in a nine-yard sari
Konkanis -- the children are the real assets
Konkanis of the changing times
Krishna & Yashodhara
Krishna and Yashoda
Krishna counsels Arjuna
Krishna fondling two Gopis (girlfriends)
Krishna in a palm-leaf painting
Krishna milking a cow
Krishna milks a cow -- Mysore traditional painting
Krishna stealing the clothes of his female companions (Gopika-Vastraharana)
Krishna steals women's clothes -- leather art
Krishna with butter on his face -- line drawing based on a Sibi painting
Krishnaraj Wodeyar III
Kulavi -- men's headgear that was popular during the Vijayanagar period
The Kulumbi community
Kum Kum vendor
Kunubi folk dancers
Kunubi of Dakshina Kannada
Kuruba dwelling
A lady at her vanity -- Belur
Lady enjoying water sports -- Sougandhikaparinaya
The lady from Coorg
Lady from Hebbar Hittal, Karnataka
Lady from Himachal in festive mood
A lady from the Gouli community
Lady having an oil bath
A lady in her vanity -- Belur
Lady of Havyaka Brahman community
A lady riding a palanquin on way to commit Sati
A lady spinning yarn
A lady vigorously churns curds and excites a man
A lady with raised hair bun, Lepakshi
Lajja Gowri
Lajja Gowri -- a line drawing showing a typical interpretation of the deity of fertility
Lajja Gowri -- stone sculpture
Lajja Gowri: deity of fertility, Andhra Pradesh
Lajja Gowri: the deity of fertility
Lakshmi -- goddess of wealth
Lal Bahadur Shastri -- former prime minister of India
A Lambani lady embroidering a piece of yellow cloth
Lambani lady of Sondur
Lambani woman
A Lambani woman with a load on her head
Lambani women
Lambani women, Karnataka
Lambanis of North Kanara
Lambanis, the Gypsies of India
Lamp design in Rangoli
Laxmi and Vishnu, Kavi art, Karnataka
Laxmi, the goddess of wealth
Leather puppet of a camel
Leather puppet of Mahatma Gandhi
Leather puppet of Mahatma Gandhi and a child
Leather puppets --picture index
Leather puppets of India - article
Lepakshi painting
Lepakshi wall painting
A lesson in ecology -- based on a Lepakshi sculpture
A lesson in ecology
Letter writing and the use of birds as messengers
Letters -- Living with the poor
Life in rural Rajasthan
Light heart cures poverty -- Halakki tribal lady in rural Karnataka, 1995
Light weight boat of West Bengal
A line-drawing based on animal sculptures
Lion -- king of the Indian jungle
A lion takes a midday nap
The lioness keeps guard while the male rests
A lioness
The lions from Sarnath, a monument from Ashoka period
The lions from Sarnath, the Indian national emblem is a fitting tribute to emperor Ashoka
Locating a pair of deer
Location of Bhimbetaka
Loga -- a very brave dog
Logo of the Gangas
Logo of the Hoysala kings
Logo of the Kadamba kings
Logo of the Mysore Wodeyars
Logo of the state of Madhya Pradesh
Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Lone tusker, Bandipur forest
Lord Buddha from a Sarnath temple painting
Lord Ganesh -- knolkol sculpture
Lord Ganesh and his vehicle mouse
Lord Ganesh rides his favorite mouse to earth to enjoy the the offerings of devotees --
South Indian Illustration
Lord Ganesh riding a peacock
Lord Indra and Kamadhenu -- Kavi art
Lord Indra brings sage Parshwanatha home
Lord Ishwar in Tandava Nritya
Lord Ishwar in Tandava Nritya (the dance of destructuction)
Lord Krishna -- temple mural
Lord Krishna in Kavi art
Lord Krishna rides Garuda, the king of birds
Lord Krishna with two Gopikas on a swing
Lord Mahaveera -- founder of Jainism
Lord Narasimha seated with his wife -- Hoysala sculpture
Lord Shiva
Lord Shiva with his bull (Nandi), Chalukyan sculpture from Aihole, 6th century A.D.
Lord Shiva, Mangeshi, Goa
Lord Venkataramana as a hunter, Manjaguni, Sirsi
Lord Venkataramana Swamy, Manjuguni temple, Karnataka
Lord Vishnu seated on a seven hooded cobra (Shesha)
Lord Vishnu seated on Shesha, a seven hooded cobra
Lord Vishnu, Mysore traditional painting
Lost in a string instrument
Lost in love
Lovers -- Khajuraho
Lovers, sculpture from a Khajuraho temple
Lower panel of a hero-stone depicts the hero's fight with the enemy
Madam Bhikaji Cama
Madam Bhikaji Cama -- a biography
Madhya Pradesh -- the very heart of India
Madhya Pradesh tribals: animation
Mahabaleshwar temple, Gokarn
Mahamastakabhisheka of Gomata
Mahatma Gandhi album
Maheshwara (Lord Shiva) with disciples
Mahishasura Mardini, Aihole
Mahishasura Mardini
Maid preparing to meet her paramour
Maidens on their way to Ghotul
The majestic mountains of Yana, Karnataka
The majestic mountains of Yana, Uttara Kannada
The majestic roar of the lion
Making love on a comfortable bed, pillow and bed-spread
Making love on a metal cot -- ancient sculpture
Making of musical instrument Khol in West Bengal
Making of the line-drawings
Male deer: rock painting from Madhya Pradesh
Man being assisted by two women to cleanse long hair (Nad kalse)
Man being assisted by two women to wash long hair
Man disturbs wife busy at work, wooden sculpture
Man fondles wife's breasts, Badami
Man in Mysore turban
Man in traditional Mysore turban
Man makes God
Man massages a lovely woman -- Bhatkal temple sculpture
Man of firm step -- Gandhi
A man of the Gouli (milkmen) community
Man selling Ganesh idols for a Hindu festival
Man who opted for government service
Man-woman -- the frontal shows an European man while the mirror placed in the rear
reflects a woman
Manasollasa of Somashekhara III
The Manasthambha of Parshwanatha Basadi
Mangeshi light post, Goa
Maota lake at the base of the palace, Rajasthan
Map of Bastar district
Map of Bastar district in Madhya Pradesh
Map of important temples of North India
Map of Karnataka
Map of Karnataka showing Badami
Map of Karnataka showing Belur & Halebidu
Map of Madhya Pradesh
Map of present day Karnataka State
Map of Punjab
Map of Rajasthan
Map of the state of Bihar
Map of Uttara Kannada district
Map showing Bangalore
Map showing Bhimbetaka
Map showing Bijapur
Map showing Kolar
Map showing location of Mahakoota
Map showing location of Sibi
Map showing Mysore
Map showing Shravanabelagola
Map showing Sibi
Map showing the Mauryan empire
Maps of medieval South India
Marathi theater
Marble roofs & arches of Rajasthan
Mask of a folk artist, Karnataka
Mask of Somana Kunita
The master puppeteer performs
Masti Venkatesh Iyengar -- Kannada writer
Mavashia woman, Bastar, Madhya Pradesh
Mavashia woman, Bastar, Madhya Pradesh
Mayapur temple, West Bengal
A medical doctor, and yet a traditional woman
Medieval hair styles -- Southern India
Medieval sari fashions
Meet the author of The Timeless Theater
Meeting People in Jobnair
Memorials are illustrated history
Men of a Konkani family with the latest family possession ( the bicycle)
Men worshiping -- a common scene in Varanasi
Merchant -- Sethji
Merchant counting money, Honavar
Merry-go-rounds at Krishi Mela, Jobnair
Metal works
Metallic betelnut cracker
Metallic icon of Hoysala king Vishnuvardhana
Milk and curds being transported in Kavadi.
The milkmaid (Gouli)
Mistress seduces a warrior
Modern Kannada writers and poets
A Mogul painting from Salar-jung museum collection
The Moguls & their legacy
Mohini Shikhara (peak), Yana
The monkhood of a Brahmin boy
Monolithic Gomata of Shravanabelagola
Monolithic Manasthambha (pillar of honor)
Monument for a dead soldier, Colonel Hill, Honavar
Mother and daughter, Madhya Pradesh forest
Mother and son -- Mysore traditional art
Mother goddess -- Digital artwork
Mother provides and child disposes .
Mother weaves while attending to a child -- from a picture postcard of the 1940s
A mounted bather Sougandhikaparinaya
A mounted bather:Sougandhikaparinaya
The movement of puppets is controlled by rods & hinges
Mummadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar
A mural from Karnataka
Mural from Sira, 1800 A.D.
The Murals of Karnataka
Muria tribal youngster
Muria youngster
Muscular watchman (Dwarapalaka), Aihole
A Muslim woman with a big nose-ring
Muslim woman: Herangadi -- Karnataka
Mysore Durbar (assembly) with visiting European dignitaries
Mysore style Ganesh
Mysore traditional art
Mysore traditional painting
Mysore traditional school of painting
Mythological figure -- a leather puppet
Mythological symbol Shaku in Kavi art
Mythological warrior, leather puppet
Nagamandala, the snake web
Nagna Kabandha Alampur sculpture, Andhra Pradesh
Nallappa who built the Sibi temple with his three brothers
Nandi-Kolu: Mysore
NandiKolu -- folk dance of Karnataka
Nataraja -- the cosmic dance of Lord Shiva
The natives of The Timeless Theater
The natural formation of Bhairaveshwara Shikhara (peak), Yana
A Navayati boy from Bhatkal, Karnataka
Navayats: Konkani speaking Muslims
Navigating the CD-ROM by geography
Nawab and courtier -- Daria Daulat Bagh painting
Nawab with a Hukka (pipe)
Nawab with his courtier -- Daria Daulat Bagh painting
Necklace belonging to Wodeyars of Mysore
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose -- a biography
The newly weds -- Halakki community
Newly weds sharing wedding meal
Noor Jahan, Mogul painting
Nyingma monastery, Mundgod
Observe the wonderful composition skills of the Kavi artist
Of the begging profession
Of the divine bondage
Offering prayers with music and dance
The old Mysore turban meets the western suit to create a new idea of formal wear
Old newspaper trader
An old-fashioned housewife
On her way to fetch water
On the streets of India..
On the way to Yana, Uttara Kannada
On way to Bastar in Madhya Pradesh
On way to the weekly market
Onake Obavva, the brave rural woman who killed invading British soldiers with a pounding
One who likes to be wooed
An oriental Buddhist scholar
Ornamental garden, Rajasthan
Ornaments from west coast
Ornaments of a lady, Lepakshi painting
An orthodox Konkani gentleman
Other handicrafts
Outer wall carvings of a Hoysala temple
Painted face of a young boy
A painted stork near Ranganatittu bird sanctuary
Painting -- Rabindranath Tagore -- poet, writer, educator
Painting -- Tanjore School of Art
A painting by Raja Raviverma, Salarjung Museum, Hyderabad
Painting of Kali -- Sirsi Marikamba temple
Painting on a peepal leaf
Paintings of Sibi
A pair of dancers with wooden sticks (Kolu Kunita)
Palace of Aravinda -- Jain painting
A palm-leaf painting
Palm-leaf texts and documents
The Pandya kings of Deccan
Pani-puri vendor New Delhi
Pani-puri-wala -- New Delhi
Paper-lamp design in Rangoli
Parshwanatha, depicted in bell metal
A Pattadakal sculpture
Pattadkal miniature painting
Pavillion -- Rajasthan architecture
Pea hen
Peacock-riding Saraswati (the goddess of learning)
The pearls of Mysore Maharaja
The people of India
Pets -- Line drawings based on ancient sculptures
Pets of entertainment
Pets of fun and entertainment
The phallus: facts and fallacies
Philanthropists arrange for free drinking water, Rajsathan
Pictures from the Hadolli Jain Basadi
Pictures of Kavi art -- index
A pierced nose and an unadulterated smile -- Halakki Gowdati
Places of worship
Plant & animal design -- Kasooti
Plassey war memorial, Plassey, West Bengal
Plucking fruits: pre-historic cave painting
A portrait -- Mysore miniature painting
Portrait of a Nobleman, Mysore traditional painting
Portrait of a nobleman
Portrait of a stone maiden
Portrait of a Yakshagana dancer
Portrait of Adil Shah -II, Sultan of Bijapur
Portrait of Babur -- from a Mogul miniature painting
Portrait of Bahubali
Portrait of Sardar Bhagat Singh
Portrait of Tippu Sultan
Portuguese style bust from a Goan museum
Posterior of an Adivasi dancer -
Poverty in India -- pictures and essay
A pre-historic rock painting from Bhimbetaka
A pre-historic rock painting of a deer, Bhimbetaka in central India
Pre-historic rock paintings -- essay
Presence of smiling Gana indicates that Shiva and Uma are in a gay mood
Preta Nritya -- the ghost dance of South Kanara
Procession of the Chamundi idol -- a wall painting from Mysore, 18th century
Produce to be sold on the market-day
Prof. B.G.L. Swamy -- Kannada writer
Prof. Gopalakrishna Adiga -- Kannada poet
Prof. M.V. Seetaramiah -- Kannada scholar
Proud mother with baby in her arms
Proud Navayati mother and son, Uttara Kannada district, Karnataka
Puffed Rice (Chirmuri) vendor
Pungi Kunita (blow horn)
Pungi Nudisuvavanu
Punishment for favoring the British
A Punjabi groom carrying the ceremonial sword
A puppeteer prepares for the show
A pure and hearty smile
Queen Shantala's mother Machikabbe
R.K. Narayan is one of the foremost Indian writers
R.K. Narayan with Jyotsna Kamat
Rabindranath Tagore
Raja Man Singh started construction of this palace
Rajasthan palace
The Rajasthan University building
Rajasthani gate
Rajasthani palace
A Rajasthani pavilion
Rajasthani women sing on all occasions
Rakhi festival is celebrated by re-assuring the sacred brother-sister relationship
Ram Prasad Bismil -- revolutionary turned martyr against the British
Ramprasad Bismil -- freedom fighter
Ramprasad Bismil -- freedom fighter
Rana-Kahale -- war bugle player
Rangoli various patterns created by different repetitions of the same seed-pattern
Rangoli - the painted prayers of India
Rangoli begins with a grid of dots and is followed by creative joining of the dots
Rangoli design patterns
Rangoli on wall
Rangoli patterns
Rangoli patterns -- picture index
Ravana, the king of Sri Lanka -- leather puppet
Ravana, the ten headed demon -- leather puppet
Reading out a love letter
A refugee from Bangladesh, West Bengal, 1969
Remembering Tilak Maharaj
Returning from the market-place
The rhythm & vigor of Halakki dance
Rhythmical dancers -- Chalukyan sculpture
Rich kids eating paani puri -- New Delhi
The riders are made to dance with an attached stick
A Rishi (sage) of Halebidu -- Hoysala sculpture
A ritual prayer for a successful hunt
The road side 'cure-all' Doctor
Road-side herbal doctor
Rock art -- picture collection
Role of self-study in ancient education
Romance of Ishwar and Parvati, Kumta temple
The romance of Padmavati and poet Billana
Romance of the elderly
Romance of the elderly (Mudukana Maduve)
Romance of Uma and Maheshwar
Romance of Uma and Shiva
Romancing the teacher -- painting
Romancing the teacher -- the story
A Rudrakshi (sacred beads) garland.
The ruins of Basavarajadurga
The ruins of Hampi
A rural couple sitting on a cot caress each other, Badami
A rural couple sitting on a cot caress each other
Rural woman in cotton sari in front of her thatched hut
A rural woman in her traditional Sari
Rural woman, Uttara Kannada
S. L. Bhairappa -- Kannada writer
S. L. Bhairappa, Kannada writer and novelist
Sacred pictures on sale in Varanasi
The sacrificial tiger -- devotee during the Moharam festival
The sacrificial tiger: a devotee during Moharam festival
Sadashivrao Bahusaheb Maratha
Sadhus of India
Saffron garden in the lake, Rajasthan
Sailing in Sharavati river, Karnataka
Sailing in the Ganges
Sailing in the Sharavati river
Salar Jung -- the nephew of Nijamuddin of Hyderabad
The Salarjung museum
Salt production in Gokarn, 1985
Sam sand-dunes, Thar desert, Rajasthan
Samudra Mathana, Mysore traditional art
Sand dunes, Thar desert, Rajasthan
Sandal wood carving
Sangeetapura (Hadolli) monuments
Sanskrit scholar, Gokarn
A Sanskrit scholar, Gokarna
Saraswati -- goddess of learning
Saraswati -- goddess of learning
Saraswati with book of knowledge
Sardar Bhagat Singh
Sardar Bhagat Singh - a biography
Sardar Bhagat Singh
Saris for men: a sari wrapped at the waist
Sarojani Naidu spinning yarn
Savinirmadi -- a learned lady of 14th century
Savinirmadi -- A woman scholar of the 14th century
Savinirmadi, Kolar
Saviyabbe of Shravanabelagola
Scarce water should be brought from far away places -- Rajasthan
A scene from Bengali theater, 1980
A scene from Mrichakatika stage play, West Bengal
A scene from Mrichhakatika play -- Bengali theater, 1980
Scenic view of the mighty Himalayas, Ladakh
The scholar of Gokarn
A screen panel of Chandragupta Basadi
Scribes depicted on the walls of Tippu's summer palace
Sculpture of a female worshiper
Sculpture shows a remarkable back view of Parvati
Sculptures of Belur
Self help -- stone sculpture from Karnataka
Self-sufficient old man
Seller of bangles
The Sepoy mutiny of 1857
Serene statue of Budha
Serene statue of Lord Buddha
A Sethji (merchant) at his shop
A seven hooded cobra shelters a Jain sage
Shaivite (follower of Lord Shiva) man in traditional Indian attire
Shaivite man in traditional Indian attire -- Konkanis worship both Shiva and Vishnu
Shambhu Mitra, a great Bengali playwright in 1980
Shankaracharya -- the great reformer of Hinduism
Shanmugam (Karthikeya) on a peacock
Sheep provide wool & meat -- Rajasthan
Shehanai player
Shila Balika (stone maiden) of Belur
Shiva and his bull vehicle -- Nandi
Shiva and his bull vehicle Nandi
Shiva and Parvati riding on Nandi the bull, Lepakshi
Shiva with his bull, Nandi, at Durga temple, Aihole
Shiva with his Nandi at Durga temple, Aihole
Shivaram Karanth, celebrated Kannada novelist and playwright
Shoorpanakha- Ravana's sister
Shravanabelagola -- A cultural capital
Shri Vaishnav Guru, Mysore Parakal Muth (monestary)
Shringeri temple
Shringeri temple, Karnataka
Shringeri Vidyashankar temple
Shrungi and Hayavadana performing a dance sequence, Lepakshi
A shy city girl
Siddi boys
Siddis: Indians of African origin
Sikh bride from Punjab
Silekyata's hilarious wife, Bangarekka -- leather puppet
Silekyata, a great entertainer -- leather puppet
Silekyata, a side-kick comedian for a puppet show
Silk rearing in West Bengal, 1969
Silver coin issued by the East India Company in the name of Shah Alum
Silver coin issued by the East India Company
Silver engraving in a Goan temple, Goa
Silver sculpture
The slow dance of the Murias can last all night
A smile is worth a thousand words -- Indian girl
Smiling Gowdati
A smiling young boy
Snake charmer, from a temple sculpture
Snake charmer, sculpture from Bhatkal temple
Snake charmer, sculpture from Bhatkal temple, 14th century
Snake couple -- Halebidu
Snake couple -- sculpture from Halebidu
Snakes, Serpents, Cobras
Social Life in The Medieval Deccan
Social Life in The Medieval Deccan -- Food habits
Social Life in The Medieval Deccan -- Introduction
Social Life in The Medieval Deccan -- Recreation
Social Life in The Medieval Deccan -- Vanity fair
A soldier from Lord Rama's army -- leather puppet
Soldiers fighting with swords and plates -- memorial stone (hero-stone)
Solitary girl -- miniature painting
Somana Kunita (man dancing as a moon, in honor of Sun)
Somana Kunita -- the mask
Somana Kunita --a close up
Somewhere on the west coast
Sources of history
The southern bureaucrat
Span of Aurangjeb's Mogul empire
Span of Akbar's empire
Span of Babur's Mogul empire
Span of the Mauryan empire
Sri Anjaneya, son of Vayu (the wind god)
Sri Marikamba Devi, Sirsi
Sri Rama Pattabhishek (coronation)
Sriranga -- Kannada dramatist/writer
Srungi, a follower of Shiva dancing for the master's pleasure
Stamps of Portuguese India
Standing Vishnu -- Hoysala sculpture
Statue of Hanuman
Status of women in the medieval Deccan
Stone crafts
Stone erotica
Stone erotica -- Ballegavi
Stone maiden ( Shila Balika ), Belur -- Karnataka
Stone maiden, Belur
Stories of Bastar travel -- Mundatikara
Stories of Bastar travel: Chote-Dongar
The story of India's freedom struggle -- article
A street dancer as depicted in an ancient sculpture
A street in downtown Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka, 1991
A street-side fortune teller
Student of Lamaism, Tibetan settlement, Mundgod
Sultan Ibrahim Adil Shah II of Bijapur
Sultan Ibrahim Adil Shah-II of Bijapur, portrait by a Bikaner artist, 1590
Sumangala: the blessed woman
Sun dancers from Shimoga
Sunder Narayan temple, Ankola
Sunder Narayan temple, Ankola, North Kanara
Sunflowers -- water color by Mukta Venkatesh
Sunrise on the Sharavati river, Honavar, North Kanara
Supplier of flowers
A survey of Jain monuments in Karnataka
Swadeshi memorabilia
Swadeshi memorabilia
Swami Vivekananda -- Hindu teacher & philosopher
"Swaraj is my birthright" -- Bal Gangadhar Tilak in a British court, 1908
The sword of Tippu Sultan
'Tala' -- folk artist with cymbals
Taming of the demon: Banavasi sculpture
A tattooed woman -- a sketch by the author, Bastar, Madhya Pradesh
A teacher examines the homework submitted by the princess.
The teaching session -- Shravanabelagola painting
The team of Bayalata
Temple sculpture depicting social life in the 14th century
Temple, man, cow
Temples of Deccan
Temples of India: Erotic sculptures of Khajuraho
Temples of India: Other Temples of North India
Temples of India: Temples of Gujarat
Temples of India: Temples of Kashmir
Temples of India: Temples of Khajuraho
Temples of India: Temples of Orissa
Temples of India: Temples of Rajasthan
Temples of India: Temples of Somnath
Temples of India: Temples of West Bengal
Temples of India:Temples of Central India
Temples of North India
The temptress ananess
The ten headed Ravana -- based on a Sibi temple painting
Tender coconut seller
Terracotta art from a Bengali temple, West Bengal
Thinking of his next great novel -- S.L. Bhairappa
This interesting sculpture shows two sages accosting a courtesan
This is not Kremlin! -- Mayapur, West Bengal
Three Gowdatis in synchronized rice pounding
A three headed mythological figure rides a lion
Three storied Buddhist Univerisity, Ellora
Three-legged mythical figure, Kavi art
Tibetan boys
Tibetan Buddhists in India
Tibetan settlement in Mundgod
Tibetan settlement, Mundogod
Tibetans in traditional costumes
Tiger dance of Moharam
The tiger of Mysore -- Tippu Sultan
The tiger of Mysore -- Tippu Sultan Sahib
Timeless Halakkis
The Timeless Theater historical artifacts
The Timeless Theater -- CD-ROM Help
The Timeless Theater -- Special presentations
The Timeless Theater -- the editors' picks
The Timeless Theater -- Topics on Hinduism
The Timeless Theater carousels
The Timeless Theater CD-ROM Reviewer's Guide
The Timeless Theater files on Mysore
The Timeless Theater: Index of slide-shows
The Timeless Theater: Historical index
Timeline of events in history of Karnataka
A timeline of India
Timeline of India's freedom struggle
The tiny city of Amber, Rajasthan
Tippu Sultan -- a Mysore style painting
Tippu Sultan -- a Mysore style painting
Tippu Sultan's tomb at Gumbaz
To Jobnair
To Udaipur
Toda elder -- Ooty
Toda elder- Nilgiri Hills, Tamilnadu
Toda man in traditional shawl
Toda temple
Toda temple with a curved roof
Toda tribesman in the Nilgiri forest
Toda village elder
Toda woman embroidering
Toda woman embroidering cloth
Topics on Rajasthan
Topics on Buddhism
Topics on Jainism
Topics on North India -- Index
The towering Char Minar, Andhra Pradesh
The town of Jobnair
Toys and dolls
Tradition of Sati
Traditional woman belonging to the Gramokkal (rural farmers) community
Traditional woman on a festive occasion
Traditional wrestling
Traditional wrestling -- Mogul miniature painting
A traveling ascetic walks on the highway
The travelling barber shop
Tree climbers, Bhimbetaka
Tree on island Waq-Waq
A triangular hero-stone
Tribal beauty
Tribal beauty goes to the bazaar
A tribal boy with broken tooth
A tribal girl poses
Tribal girl: many tribes follow the Hindu dressing customs and lifestyles
Tribal girls marry young
Tribal group dance, Madhya Pradesh
Tribal lady, Madhya Pradesh
Tribal man wearing rumal
Tribal man wearing rumal, Madhya Pradesh
Tribal of Madhya Pradesh
Tribal women at village marketplace
Tribal women balancing work, errands and children
Tribal women bargaining and bartering their produce
Tribal women come to town
Tribal women in town to taking a peek at inside of a house
Tribal women of Bastar -- the old and the young often move in groups
Tribal women wear self-made jewelry
Tribal youngster thinks of today only
Tribals arriving for the Jagadalpur bazaar
Tribals in town
The tryst with destiny..
Two Adivasi girls in town -- notice their head décor
Two headed deity Shani rides a crow
Two tribals go for a smoke, Jagadalpur
Two warriors in the field, rock painting, Central India
Two warriors on a chariot leather puppet
Two women at the Somanath temple, Somanathapur
Two women milk a cow -- sculpture in a Bhatkal temple
Ugranarasimha of Hampi
Uma is depicted as having round legs, attractive thighs, thin waist, round breasts and
shapely arms
Uma melts in the arms of the five headed Shiva -- Kavi art
Unemployed youngsters in a temple
A unique memorial to a learned woman
The united juicy bananas
Upanayanam for a Brahmin boy
Upanayanam: the sacred thread ceremony for a Bramhin boy
Upanayanam -- transition of a boy to adulthood
Use of bows and arrows to hunt deer
Use of dogs in hunting and as pets
Uttara Kannada
A vagabond follower of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Vamana Avatar -- incarnation of Lord Vishnu as a dwarf
Varaha -- the logo of the Vijayanagar kings
The Varaha Avatar (incarnation of Lord Vishnu as a boar)
Varaha Avatar -- incarnation of Lord Vishnu as a boar
A vase from Salarjung museum collection
Vedic gods based on temple sculptures.
Veena maestro Doraiswamy Iyengar
Veena Player Sambayya
Veene Anant Subbaiah, Mysore traditional painting
Veene Appayya
Veerashaiva (Lingayat) temples of Uluvi
A Veergal (hero-stone), Hadolli in Karnataka
Vegetables vendor
Venkataramana Swamy, Manjuguni
Very attractive attire of the Lambanis
Victory of Ravana's son Indrajit -- a painting by Raja Raviverma
The Vijayanagar empire
A village belle
A village belle, Bastar, Madhya Pradesh, 1975
The village belles meet at a well -- Rajasthan
The village cobbler (Mochi) engrossed in his work
Village musician, Bastar, Madhya Pradesh
The village of Keerthigedde, Karnataka
Vinayak D. Savarkar -- freedom fighter, historian, scholar
Vinayak D. Sawarkar -- freedom fighter, historian, scholar
Wall paintings in the City Palace, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Wall paintings of Lepakshi
Wall paintings of Sibi -- article
Wall Rangoli
Warren Hastings -- the Viceroy of India
Water being transported in a camel cart -- Rajasthan
Water buffalo and his mate, Sibi
The water girl -- water color painting by K. L. Kamat
The welcome arch, Buddhist temple
West Bengal -- Index
"What is child labor ?"
"When you destroy the old, a new era begins" -- Mao-Tse-Tung
"Where is my Mohini ?"
A wife undergoes Sati
Wodeyars of Mysore
Woman Artist -- a watercolor by K. L. Kamat
Woman draped in saree, Lepakshi
Woman from Coorg (Kodagu)
Woman in phone romance
Woman in saree (Indian drape), 15th century painting from Lepakshi
A woman lost in love
Woman lost in music
A woman of the Grameen Gouli community
Woman of the Halakki community
Woman selling flowers -- Goa
Woman selling grass brooms door to door
Woman washing clothes
Woman with a decorative fan
Woman with a fan made with peacock feathers
Woman with a traditional nose-ring and necklaces
Women assembled to greet Uma-Maheshwara, Lepakshi
Women in bare feet walk to work
Women in embrace
Women in tribal societies
Women of KalaRanga -- Index of pictures
Women of Karavali
Women's education in Karnataka
Women: as tender as the flowers themselves
Wood carvings
Wood inlay work
The works of genius sculptors
Yakshagana -- dance & song drama
Yakshagana -- song and dance Drama
Yakshagana -- table of contents
Yakshagana performer, Gundabala in Karnataka
A Yakshagana performer, Gundabala, Karnataka
A Yakshagana pose
Yashoda breast feeding Krishna
Yashodhara and her son, the boy Krishna, Mysore traditional painting
A Yogini playing tamboor (an Indian string instrument)
A young couple riding a runaway camel
A young cowherd goes to work
A young dancer, Madhya Pradesh
A young daughter
A young girl in a new sari
A young girl in an adult sari
A young girl swimming like a fish -- Sougandhikaparinaya
A young girl swimming like a fish:Sougandhikaparinaya
A young tribal
Young woman paints Alpana in front of a doorway, Calcutta
A young, school going Gandhi
A young, wide-eyed boy
Youngsters gathered for a game of Cricket
Youths on their way to Ghotul (tribal educational institution)
Zari works |