K.S. Patil

Mr.K.S Patil was born at Ugarkhod, May 19th, 1896. He sprang from a n agriculturist family. He graduated from the Bombay University and took the B.A., L.L.B degree in 1925. He is one of the flourishing lawyers of Karnatak.

He is free form the virus of communalism. He persuaded the Non-Brahmins to participate in the C.D. Movement he was arrested and sentenced to six months of rigorous imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 200. Under his inspiring guidance the Belgaum Harijan Sevak Sangh is doing solid work. He is the President of the Gokak Labour Union.

K.L. Kamat/Kamat's Potpourri
K. S. Patil
K. S. Patil

Mr. K.S. Patil is a fearless champion of the interests of the ryots. He presided over the Karnatak Ryot's Conference. In 1934 he succeeded in getting a remission of Rs. 1,65,000 in land revenue. In the last election he floored his opponent who was for thirteen years a member of the Bombay Council. In campaign he addressed nearly five hundred meetings. He is one of those rare men that Providence sends into life to be the standard bearers in the cause of the unlettered humanity.


Source: Haripura Congress Souvenir, 1938