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Demographic Movements: The Threat To India's Economy And Security

Title:Demographic Movements: The Threat To India's Economy And Security
Author:Prakash Singh
Publication:Low Intensity Conflict & Law Enforcement / Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group
Enumeration:Vol. 11, No. 1 pp. 94 - 115 /Spring, 2002
Abstract:Migrations have taken place from the beginning of history. There has been a general impression that the free movement of people contributes to economic growth. Europe's economic recovery after the Second World War was fuelled in large part by the labour of immigrants. The pendulum has, however, now swung to the other extreme. There is pressure on land, resources are getting scarce and employment opportunities are limited. As a consequence, there is anti-immigrant feeling in several countries. In 1947, when British India was partitioned, Hindus moved out in large numbers from what was carved out as East Pakistan. After the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971, Hindus and Muslims continued to cross over to India for a variety of reasons. It is estimated that about 16 million Bangladeshis have managed to infiltrate into India. The presence of such a large body of immigrants is a strain on India's economy. What is worse, with the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Bangladesh, the immigrants are also being looked upon as a security threat.

Source of Abstract: Provided by Publisher


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